Issue - meetings

Review of Statement of Licensing Policy under the Gambling Act 2005

Meeting: 20/09/2012 - Licensing Committee (Item 34)

34 Review of Statement of Licensing Policy under the Gambling Act 2005 pdf icon PDF 77 KB

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The Committee was reminded that the last review of the Statement of Licensing Policy had taken place in 2009.  In accordance with the legislation the policy is due for its three yearly review and the new policy will need to have been adopted before the current policy expires in January 2013. 


If the consultation draft is agreed, tThe obligatory consultation process would commence in September 2012 and last until November 2012.  A report highlighting any consultation responses will be submitted to the Committee on 5 November 2012 prior to consideration and adoption by Council at the meeting in December 2012.


Members considered that the “no-casinos” resolution, whereby a licensing authority may resolve not to issue such a licence within its boundaries, should be extended for a further period of three years.


Resolved that the consultation draft and the methodology and processes for review of the Licensing Policy as shown in the report and the appendices thereto, be endorsed.


Recommended that Council extend the “no-casinos” resolution for a further period of three years.