Issue - meetings
Presentation - Purple Flag accreditation scheme for night time economy
Meeting: 05/11/2012 - Licensing Committee (Item 41)
Presentation - Purple Flag accreditation scheme for night time economy
The Assistant Director (Communities) advised the Committee that as an alternative solution to the Early Morning Alcohol Restriction Orders and Late Night Levy, as discussed in the last Committee meeting, an accreditation scheme such as the Purple Flag would provide a better and current approach for the night time economy.
The Purple Flag is an accreditation of excellence and recognition of night time economy through the Association of Town Centre Management. There is currently in Kent, one Purple Flag awarded to Canterbury. The Purple Flag Accreditation meets highly rigorous criteria and annual assessment once the accreditation is received; only 31 Local Authorities have achieved this.
The Assistant Director (Communities) provided a presentation for Members regarding the Purple Flag Accreditation scheme for night time economy and highlighted the following areas:-
The town is measured on five minimum standards (Core Agenda) with consideration of the nature and setting of the applying town centre:-
· wellbeing – safety and effective policing, cleanliness, surveillance;
· movement – late night public transport, car parking provisions, pedestrian routes;
· appeal – diversity of venues and events, music, arts & culture, eating, late night and early evening;
· place – use of public space and design, clarity of area and signage;
· aim & purpose – partnership working, dialogue with the community, businesses and residents.
The suggested application process by the Association of Town Centre Management:-
· register intention to apply with application fee;
· form a Working Group and appoint a Co-ordinator;
· prepare a Purple Flag map of area;
· prepare conclusion and statistics of performance of area against the core agenda.
The application fee of the scheme is dependent on the population of the area. Once the accreditation has been attained, a yearly retainer fee would be payable of a third of the application amount paid. For Gravesham town centre the application would cost £1,500 and the annual retainer would cost £500. Should the application fail, support and guidance is provided by the Association of Town Centre Management to continue to work towards gaining the accreditation and no further application fee is payable.
The Committee discussed the scheme raising the following:-
· current diversity of the Gravesham night life and provisions/catering for the older generations;
· late night transportation, buses into rural areas and taxis;
· development and transformation of the area, including Heritage Quarter.
It was acknowledged that whilst we have many examples of good practice already in place, work and improvement is needed in some areas. A definite partnership approach and collaboration is welcomed for this scheme. Outcomes of preliminary discussions and current thoughts of officers and our police partners is that achieving the accreditation would be extremely positive for the area. Much of the core agenda is already part of the Gravesham Corporate plan and of the scheme.
The Committee thanked the Assistant Director for the informative and interesting presentation.