Issue - meetings

Presentation on the implications of the Gambling Act

Meeting: 28/09/2006 - Licensing Committee (Item 13)

Presentation on the implications of the Gambling Act 2005


The Chair invited the Council's Senior Licensing Officer to update the Committee on the Gambling Act 2005.


The Committee was informed that the Gambling Act 2005 would come into force on 1 September 2007 and would create a unified regulator for gambling in Great Britain i.e. the Gambling Commission (currently the Gaming Board).  The Act also establishes a new licensing regime for commercial gambling.  The Gambling Commission will regulate all commercial gambling in Great Britain, except the National Lottery and spread betting, and will issue operating and personal licences.


The Gambling Act 2005 transfers all responsibility for licensing gambling premises to local authorities who will also be responsible for a number of different permits, as well as temporary and occasional use notices.


Local Authorities (acting as licensing authorities) will issue premises licences for the following activities:-


  • bingo (housey housey);
  • betting;
  • adult gaming centres;
  • family entertainment centres (Licensed);
  • casinos;
  • horse racing and dog tracks.


They will also issue permits for:-


  • gaming machines in alcohol licensed premises, such as public houses;
  • gaming machines for members clubs;
  • other gaming activities in members clubs;
  • category D machines (those machines that can be used by children and have the lowest level of stakes and prizes) in family entertainment centres;
  • prize gaming.


Licensing Authorities will also register and issue:-


  • small society lotteries;
  • occasional and temporary use notices;
  • provisional statements.


The Senior Licensing Officer apprised Members on the role and function of the Committee under the new Act and it was envisaged that powers would need to be delegated to officers.


At the conclusion of the presentation  the Senior Licensing Officer answered Members questions.


Resolved that


(1)        a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee on a scheme of delegation for officers;


(2)        Mr D Bragg of the Gambling Commission be invited to a future meeting of the Committee to give a presentation on the Gambling Act.