Issue - meetings

Housing Revenue Account Budget Monitoring Report – Quarter One 2020/21

Meeting: 13/10/2020 - Finance and Audit Committee (Item 72)

72 Housing Revenue Account Budget Monitoring Report – Quarter One 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 171 KB

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The Committee were provided with information on actual performance against the approved Revenue and Capital budgets for 2020/21, including projected variances agreed or identified through budgetary control activity.


The Principal Accountant (General Fund) directed Members to page 60 of the report which held an Executive Summary of the information in the report pertaining to the: 


  • HRA – Revenue
  • HRA – Capital


Members were updated on other key areas of financial performance that may impact on the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan, or Financial Statements.


In response to a question regarding how the Vacancy Management was constituted, the Principal Accountant (HRA & Exchequer) agreed to circulate an answer to Members after the meeting.


Resolved that the Committee noted the information contained within the report.


Meeting: 07/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 31)

31 Housing Revenue Account Budget Monitoring Report – Quarter One 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet received the first budget monitoring report for 2020/21 showing the position up to 30 June 2020. The Cabinet noted the information provided on:-


·         actual performance against the approved Revenue and Capital budgets for 2020/21, including known variances agreed or identified through budgetary control activity; and

·         other key arears of financial performance that may impact on the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan, HRA Business Plan or Financial Statements.


Significant risks to the HRA’s financial position continued to come from the lack of clarity regarding the long-term future of local government funding, and more recently, the financial consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.


The Leader stated that the Council was still committed to delivering the new homes in the Borough.


In relation to hall lettings, clarification was sought as to whether Community Centres would be reopened once it was safe to do so in particular Shears Green Community Centre.


The Director (Housing and Operations) advised that the Community Centres would be reopened following completion of the necessary risk assessments by the individual groups etc. which use the Community Centres within the Borough.


The Leader stated that the Community Centres would only reopen if it was safe to do so and in a controlled manner.