Issue - meetings

Members' Allowances - report and associated paperwork herewith.

Meeting: 20/02/2009 - Independent Remuneration Panel (Item 11)

11 Members' Allowances Scheme pdf icon PDF 13 KB

Additional documents:


The Panel was requested to considered the current Members' Allowance Scheme in operation in Gravesham and whether the allowances should be increased for the forthcoming 2009/10 municipal year.


Consideration was given to the current survey into Members' Allowances Scheme undertaken by South East Employers and the likely pay award it was considered may be offered to staff.


The recommendation made by the Panel would be considered for adoption by the Council at its meeting on 3 March 2009.


It was recommended that:-


(1)        the 2009/10 increase in Members' allowances should be in line with the staff pay award;


(2)        the current allowances for overnight accommodation for attendance at conferences be raised in line with current arrangements for staff increasing the maximum allowance from £65.00 to £85.00.