Issue - meetings
To establish an Appointments Panel.
Meeting: 01/11/2010 - Appointments Board (Item 3)
To establish an Appointments Panel
The Appointments Panel will comprise five members of the Conservative Group and three members of the Labour Group to undertake the appointment process for Chief Executive to also act as head of Paid Service. The appointment will be endorsed by the full Council.
The Appointments Panel will meet at the conclusion of the Appointments Board.
The Board considered the establishment of an Appointments Panel to deal with the recruitment of a Chief Executive to act as the Council's Head of Paid Service as recommended by the Cabinet on 13 September 2010.
It was proposed that the Panel, which is to be appointed in accordance with Article 12.04 and 7.04 of the Constitution and will make a recommendation to the full Council for appointment, should be advised by Jennifer McNeill, Regional Director, South East Employers.
Resolved that
(1) an Appointments Panel be established comprising five members of the Conservative Group and three members of the Labour Group, appointed in accordance with the wishes of the political groups as notified to the Assistant Director (Communities);
(2) the membership of the Panel be:-
Cllr M Snelling (Chairman)
Cllrs: John Burden
John Cubitt
Sue Howes
Diane Marsh
Bryan Sweetland
David Turner
Andrea Webb
(3) Jennifer McNeill, Regional Director, South East Employers act as advisor to the Panel.