Agenda and minutes
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Venue: Civic Centre, Gravesend, Kent
Contact: Committee Section
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Cllr Peter Scollard; Cllr Gurbax Singh appeared as his substitute.
Minutes: Cllr Conrad Broadley commented that he felt that the review of GBC’s Maritime Strategy would cover a wide area; beyond those listed in the minutes.
The Minutes of the meeting held 13 June 2019 were signed by the Chair.
Declarations of interest Minutes: Cllr Conrad Broadley declared an ‘other interest’ in Item 6. Scrutiny Reviews – Oral Update in that he is a member of the following river organisations:
Gravesend Sailing Club Northfleet Harbour Restoration Trust Broadness Cruising Club Dartford and Crayford Creek Restoration Trust
Cllr Leslie Hills declared an ‘other interest’ in Item 6. Scrutiny Reviews – Oral Update in that he used to be a Governor of Gravesham and Dartford Health Trust and is at present a stakeholder.
Cllr Steve Thompson declared an ‘other interest’ in Item 6. Scrutiny Reviews – Oral Update in that he used to manage the Old Town Hall in Gravesend
Cllr Jordan Meade declared an ‘other interest’ in Item 6. Scrutiny Reviews – Oral Update in that he is a member of the Maritime Volunteer Service (operating at Gravesend Sailing Club) and he used to be a representative on the Gravesend Regatta Committee.
Scrutiny Reviews - Oral Update Minutes: The Committee Services Officer (Scrutiny) advised the Committee that at the last meeting (13 June 2019) Members put forward the following topics to be considered for review: · Access to Health Services in Gravesham. · Review of Planning Conservation Guidance. · Review of Open Spaces/ village greens and GBC’s guidance / policies in this area. · Review of GBC’s Maritime Strategy. · Review of the Town Centre / Asset based regeneration of the High Street. · Review of Fly-tipping / Littering in the Borough. The Overview Scrutiny Committee agreed, on 13 June 2019, that the topic review suggestions would be more thoroughly explored outside of the meeting, and discussed with the Chair, prior to coming back to a future meeting of Scrutiny for agreement with the Committee. The Chair advised that he had discussed the six topic review suggestions with the Director (Communities) and she had recommended the following three reviews that Management Team felt were deliverable: · Access to Health Services in Gravesham · Review of GBC’s Maritime Strategy · Review of Fly-tipping / Littering in the Borough Members discussed the review topics and highlighted the following: · The Committee would like to know the rationale behind GBC Management Team’s assessment on the deliverability of the six proposed topic reviews – why were some reviews deemed more deliverable than others? · The Committee supported proceeding with a review of GBC’s Maritime Strategy and a review of Fly-tipping / Littering in the Borough · The Committee felt the remaining four reviews from the original six should be considered after the two selected have been completed and after the Management Team’s assessment on the deliverability of the reviews had been considered. · Some Members felt that the Access to Health Services should be the next review after Fly-tipping and Maritime Strategy whilst others felt that this topic was a national issue and too big for GBC to have any significant impact.
Resolved that:
· The Committee conduct a review of Fly-tipping / Littering in the Borough · The Committee conduct a review of GBC’s Maritime Strategy · Cllr Steve Thompson will Chair the review of Fly-tipping / Littering in the Borough with the remaining members of the sub-group to be confirmed at the next meeting of the Committee in September. · Cllr Jordan Meade will Chair the review of GBC’s Maritime Strategy with the remaining members of the sub-group to be confirmed at the next meeting of the Committee in September. · Both reviews to run concurrently and be completed by March 2020. · The Terms of reference be discussed / devised with relevant officers in July / August ready to come back to the Committee for agreement in September with the relevant Director(s) / officer(s) being invited to attend to answer questions. · The Committee requested that a report on the rationale behind the GBC Management Team’s assessment on the deliverability of the six proposed topic reviews be submitted to the next meeting in September with the relevant Director(s) / officer(s) being invited to attend to answer questions.