Agenda and minutes

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Venue: Virtually - Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Committee Section 

No. Item




An apology for absence was received from Cllr Alan Ridgers; Cllr Frank Wardle attended as his substitute.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 93 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Extraordinary Overview Scrutiny Committee held on 27 October 2020 were signed by the Chair.



Declarations of interest


No Declarations of Interest were made.


Member Training 2019-20 - Annual Report pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee Services Officer (Scrutiny) provided Members of the Overview Scrutiny Committee with a summary of the training that had taken place for Members during the 2019-20 municipal year and outlined the draft Training Plan for 2021-22.


Cllr Frank Wardle highlighted that he had attended the Licensing Training Part 2

held on 6 June 2019 and requested that he be included on the attendance statistics.


Members discussed the report in detail and highlighted the following areas:


·         The report be amended in future years to include accumulative attendance figures for each Member over the training period and to take into account reasons for non-attendance (e.g. sickness)

·         The digitalisation of the Member Training Programme and a virtual bank of training material for Members to refer back to.

·         The inclusion of Member self-led personal training and development resources that can be accessed online.

·         Training on Council procedure rules and interpreting the constitution.

·         Mandatory Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training (to include Unconscious Bias, Anti-bullying and all forms of Anti-discrimination)

·         The augmenting of the Member Training should be within the current budget allowance.


The Committee agreed that a final list of recommendations to Cabinet would be agreed by the Chair and Vice-Chair outside of the meeting.



Resolved that

·         The Committee noted the Member Training attendance statistics and feedback and recommended that the report be amended in future years to include accumulative attendance figures for each Member over the training period and to take into account reasons for non-attendance (e.g. sickness)

·         The Committee endorsed the draft Member Training Plan 2021-22 set out at Appendix Five and agreed to its submission to Cabinet for approval along with the following recommendations:

-       The digitalisation of the Member Training Programme and a virtual bank of training material for Members to refer back to.

-       The inclusion of Member self-led personal training and development resources that can be accessed online.

-       Training on Council procedure rules and interpreting the constitution.

-       Mandatory Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training (to include Unconscious Bias, Anti-bullying and all forms of Anti-discrimination)

-       The augmenting of the Member Training should be within the current budget allowance.