Agenda and minutes

Most Council meetings can be viewed on the Council’s YouTube channel. You can watch them live or view previous recordings.

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend DA12 1AU. View directions

Contact: Committee Section 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


An apology for absence was received from Cllr Ejaz Aslam and CllrGary Harding attended as substitute.



To sign the minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 136 KB


The minutes of the Overview Scrutiny Committee held on Thursday, 6 July 2023 were agreed and signed by the Chair.



To declare any interests which members may have on the items contained on this agenda. When declaring an interest members must state what their interest is.


No declarations of interest were made.



Call ins - Item 11: Interests in land and assets belonging to the council - (Part A)

Item ‘Called In’ from the Cabinet meeting of 11 September 2023.


The Chair of the Overview Scrutiny Committee has called in the following

item for the meeting on Thursday 21 September, 7:30pm: -


Item 11 – Interests in land and assets belonging to the council




·       To ensure that the decision represents value for money and to assess if proper due diligence is in place.

·       To ensure that the decision is robust and will not cause long-term damage to the Council's financial position.


Officers: Stuart Bobby (Chief Executive) and Sarah Parfitt (Corporate Services).


(Please ensure you have access to the Cabinet agenda for 11 September 2023 previously circulated to Members).


With the consent of members, the Chair advised that the committee noted Part A of the report and agreed to discuss it further under Part B.



Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency.


Following on from an action point within the previous minutes, the Chair advised that he would be discussing the subject of topic reviews with the Chief Executive and would be reporting back to the next Overview Scrutiny Meeting, held on Thursday 12 October 2023, to update members on how they would be proceeding.



Private Items

To move, if required, that pursuant to section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from any items included in Part B of the agenda because it is likely in view of the nature of business to be transacted that if members of the public are present during those items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of schedule 12A of the Act.


Call Ins - Item 14: Interests in land assets belonging to the council - (Part B)

Items called in from the Cabinet meeting of 11 September 2023


The Chair of the Overview Scrutiny Committee has called in the following

item for the meeting on Thursday 21 September 2023, 7:30pm: -


Item 14 - Interests in land and assets belonging to the council (Part B)




·       To ensure that the decision represents value for money and to assess if proper due diligence is in place.

·       To ensure that the decision is robust and will not cause long-term damage to the Council's financial position.


Officers: Stuart Bobby (Chief Executive) and Sarah Parfitt (Corporate Services).


(Please ensure you have access to the Cabinet agenda for 11 September 2023 previously circulated to Members).


The Overview Scrutiny Committee considered and discussed in detail the Part B information pertaining to the interests in land assets belong to the council.


The Chief Executive and the Director (Corporate Services) provided the committee with further information which needed to remain confidential at this stage. However, the following key point was highlighted:


·       A member financial briefing document would be produced.


The committee noted the report.