Agenda and minutes
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Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend DA12 1AU. View directions
Contact: Committee Section Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from County Cllr Bryan Sweetland (KCC), Cllr Brian Francis and Cllr Leslie Hills.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on Wednesday, 09 March 2022 were signed by the Chair.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Cllr Nirmal Khabra declared an interest as he was a local taxi driver in the Borough of Gravesham.
Cllr Conrad Broadley declared an interest as was a resident of Dover Road.
Cllr Tony Rana declared an interest as he was a resident of White Hill Road.
Cllr Meade declared an interest as his grandmother was a resident on Hillingdon Road. |
To consider whether any items in Part A of the agenda should be considered in private or those (if any) in Part B in public Minutes: Cllr Meade requested clarity on whether the meetings of Gravesham Joint Transportation Board were private or public meetings and why the agenda/minutes were not published on the Councils website. Additionally, Cllr Meade suggested that future meeting dates of the Board should be published on the Councils and KCC’s website
The Chair agreed to seek clarification outside of the meeting.
Matters Arising from Previous Meetings PDF 170 KB Minutes: Members were presented with an update on actions that were requested or promised at the previous Gravesham JTB meeting.
Minute 11. Reports from Officers 173.1 Bath Street - Fastrack Infrastructure Scheme
The Gravesend & Dartford District Manager (KCC) apologised as the update report on Bath Street attached at item 8c on the agenda was supposed to be submitted to a previous Board meeting, but it should answer any outstanding questions by Members.
Minute 14 - Old Road East Speeding Vehicles - Request from Cllr Tony Rana
Cllr Rana advised that he was still waiting for work to be completed that was agreed under the former KCC officer Claire Venner but stopped completely during Covid. Cllr Rana explained that the area was getting worse, especially at the bottom of White Hill Road as the pavement had completely reduced to road level due to the number of cars driving over the kerb every day.
Cllr Rana further added that White Hill school, as of this week, had decided to only use one of the entrances on Sun Lane to allow students to enter/exit school grounds in the mornings which had caused significant traffic and numerous parent complaints. Cllr Rana was due to visit the site in-person tomorrow morning to witness the trouble and had scheduled a meeting with the Head Teacher to discuss alternative solutions.
The Gravesend & Dartford District Manager (KCC) advised that he was waiting for data for that area and the matter was now being dealt with by Ian Gregor; no update on the matter could be submitted with the Matters Arising document as Ian Gregor was on annual leave. The Gravesend & Dartford District Manager (KCC) explained that it was his intention to ensure that KCC officers regularly met with Members in between Gravesham JTB meetings to give updates on issues and progress updates on schemes.
Cllr Ridgers reminded the Board that when he was Chair, following his request and his grant money, Claire Venner installed a camera to monitor speeding along Old Road East towards Prince of Orange and Echo Square. That data must be stored somewhere at KCC, and Cllr Ridgers asked that it be found to assist with data for White Hill Road. Cllr Ridgers noted that at the time the average miles per hour speed was within the speed limits with only a few cars going over the limits.
Cllr Rana explained that the resident that made the complaint about speeding along Old Road Eats lived on the other side of Echo Square with cars heading towards St Johns School; there was a downhill part of the road where drivers accelerated and caused the issue.
Cllr Meade recalled when former County Councillor John Cubitt used his Member grants to pay for ‘school slow’ signs on that stretch of road on Old Road East and requested an update to see if the signs were still operational.
Minute 14 - London Road Cycle Scheme – Request from Cllr Singh
The Gravesend & Dartford District Manager (KCC) confirmed that the cycle ... view the full minutes text for item 19. |
Reports from Officers |
Gravesham Highway Forward Works Programme - 2022/23 onwards PDF 425 KB Minutes: The Board was presented with Gravesham’s highway forward works programme for 2022-23 onwards. The Gravesend & Dartford District Manager (KCC) informed the Board that the report updated Members on the identified schemes approved for construction.
The Chair went through the report page by page and asked for Member comments.
The Gravesend & Dartford District Manager (KCC) agreed to circulate the latest information regarding updated Members on the latest information for Appendix A – Road, Footway and Cycleway Renewal and Preservation Scheme and Appendix H – Combined Member Grant Programme Update in the minutes.
Following Members comments and questions, the Gravesend & Dartford District Manager (KCC) explained that:
Traffic Amendment Act 2004 - JTB Briefing PDF 107 KB Minutes: The Board were presented with a briefing note on the Traffic Management Act 2004 which advised of the new powers KCC had for traffic enforcement. The Gravesend & Dartford District Manager (KCC) explained that the report wasn’t being submitted to other Kent Authorities Joint Transportation Boards until next month.
The Gravesend & Dartford District Manager (KCC) field questions from Members and explained that:
The Parking & Environmental Enforcement Services Manager explained that the traffic management act powers would follow the same processes as parking enforcement legislation; KCC gave Gravesham delegated authority to enforce parking. The Scheme being proposed would be conducted by KCC and enforced through the use of ANPR cameras instead of officers. Any new moving traffic offense such as the request for a new ANPR camera would need to be carried out with the same consultation and processes as requesting parking restrictions and Board approval would be sought.
Following a question regarding the letter that was requested to be sent to KCC regarding allowing taxis through the Clive Road bus gate in a trial scheme, the Parking & Environmental Enforcement Services Manager explained that the letter was awaiting Chair approval and it was KCC’s decision if certain vehicles were exempt from the ANPR cameras. The Parking & Environmental Enforcement Services Manager agreed to ask the new Chair to sign off the letter so that it could be sent to KCC.
The Parking & Environmental Enforcement Services Manager had also requested that the Bus Gate Project Group attend a future JTB meeting to discuss the use of the bus gate and enforcement.
Cllr Meade requested that data be brought back to the Board on how enforcement powers had been used across the Borough and the effectiveness of those enforcement powers as that data would be helpful in future decision making with regard to types of enforcement.
Update - Bath Street Contraflow Bus Lane Scheme PDF 1 MB Minutes: The Board were presented with a report which provided Members with a progress update for the Bath Street Contraflow Bus Lane scheme including the proposed routes for the scheme.
The Gravesend & Dartford District Manager (KCC) advised that KCC felt that the best time to conduct a trial of allowing taxis to use the bus gate was when the ANPR camera had been installed as true readings of traffic flow could then be monitored.
Issues raised by Councillors with the approval of the Chair Minutes: The Chair allowed several Members to raise various issues which would be submitted to KCC for actioning.
Cllr Broadley advised that former Councillor, John Loughlin had emailed Cllr Broadley regarding the chevron markings in Parrock Street near St Johns RC Church.
The Parking & Environmental Enforcement Services Manager advised that the chevron markings on that stretch of road meant ‘no loading’ and were investigated by himself and the Parking & Highways Officer; they both agreed that the markings were no longer needed and could be removed. That stretch of road had been earmarked as a potential site for a taxi electric vehicle charging point, but the Parking & Environmental Enforcement Services Manager needed to find out if the charging point was viable before any plans were made.
Cllr Ridgers highlighted the following issues:
Cllr Rana highlighted the following issues:
Cllr Meade highlighted the following issues: