Agenda and draft minutes
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Venue: Virtually - Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Committee Section Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Bryan Sweetland (KCC) and Cllr Tony Rana.
To sign the minutes of the previous meeting Minutes:
The minutes of the Gravesham Joint Transportation Board held on Wednesday, 29 May 2024 were agreed and signed by the Chair.
To declare any interests members may have in the items contained on this agenda. When declaring an interest members should state what their interest is. Minutes: The Parking & Highway Officer declared an interest in item 8c as he was a resident on one of the roads that was being consulted on for double yellow lines.
Matters Arising from Previous Meetings Minutes: The Board were provided with the Matters Arising from the previous meeting of Gravesham Joint Transportation Board. A number of responses had been provided by KCC or had been agreed to be provided at this meeting.
The Chair went through each action:
Issues Crossing Valley Drive
The Highways Manager (Dartford & Gravesham) advised that there was no further update than the one provided on the document.
Improvements to Northfleet Roundabout – Placement of Anchor
Cllr Meade advised that there hadn’t been any progress made; the anchor that had been pulled out of the Thames by the PLA in Northfleet was still with Chatham Historic Dockyard who had custodianship. They were undertaking conservation work on the anchor to ensure it would not crack; it required chemical baths to preserve it which would take up to two years to complete.
Cllr Meade agreed to share any further updates with the Board.
Perry Street – White Lines
Cllr Ridgers asked that his concern be noted in the minutes about the length of time it had taken for the works to be completed; he had been advised two years ago that the works would be completed within a much smaller timeframe and had been fully funded. The current markings were faded and presented a danger to the public and motorists. Cllr Ridgers requested an answer as to why the works had been delayed for so long be sent to all of Gravesham’s County Cllrs.
The Highways Manager (Dartford & Gravesham) stated that the works were agreed before he took up his position and agreed to look into the cause of the delay; it was likely funded through the Capital Linings Budget.
The Chair was hopeful the works would be completed, as stated, by 24 October 2024.
Whitehill School – Zebra Crossing
The Chair agreed, as this item could not go ahead, that it be removed from the document.
Valley Drive turn into Marling Way
The Highways Manager (Dartford & Gravesham) advised that there was no further update than the one provided on the document.
Bus Gate – Barrack Row
Cllr Milner spoke with leave of the Chair on this issue; she requested an update on when the ANPR cameras would be installed and when blue badge holders and taxis would be able to use the bus gate.
The Highways Manager (Dartford & Gravesham) advised that he would liaise with the team behind the installation works tomorrow and circulate an update to the Board about when the cameras would be installed, by the end of the week.
ATC Speed Checks
The Chair advised the road had been reduced to 30mph and could be removed from the document.
Gravesend Active Travel Scheme
The Highways Manager (Dartford & Gravesham) advised that he would chase the Active Travel Team regarding moving forward with ‘Option C’ and bring an update to the Board.
Old Road East pavement between Pine Avenue and St John's School entrance
The Highways Manager (Dartford & Gravesham) advised that there was no further update than the one provided on the document. ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Reports from Officers |
Highways Forward Works Programme: 2024/25 and 2025/26 Minutes: The Highways Manager (Dartford & Gravesham) presented the highways forward works programme 2024/25 and 2025/26 which updated Members on the identified schemes approved for construction; the Board were advised it was an information only document and he would take any comments back to the respective teams.
Following questions and comments from members, the Highways Manager (Dartford & Gravesham) explained that:
The board noted the report.
Local Transport Plan 5 - Public Consultation Minutes: The Highways Manager (Dartford & Gravesham) presented Members with a report that updated them on the public consultation on Kent County Council’s new Local Transport Plan 5. The consultation will run from 17 July to 8 October 2024. Following consideration of the feedback from the public consultation, the aim was that it would be ready for KCC to vote on its adoption later in the year.
County Cllr Sullivan asked that the following points be raised with the relevant teams and responses be circulated back to the Board:
The Highways Manager (Dartford & Gravesham) agreed to take those points back to KCC.
Cllr Milner raised a concern that the new fastrack service did not stop at Asda or anywhere near the retail park. Residents who did not drive found it extremely difficult to access Asda or the retail park when the shutters were closed on Asda elevators. A stop should be added somewhere in that area to allow Gravesham residents to access those stores.
The Highways Manager (Dartford & Gravesham) felt Cllr Milner raised a good point and agreed to raise it with the public transport team.
The Chair added that a local transport consultation would help as points such as that raised by Cllr Milner could be submitted to the consultation on behalf of the Council as well as individual Councillors.
The board noted the report.
KCC Complete Deposit Document Amendment 20 This link will take you to a Map Tile for amendment 20:
Minutes: The Parking & Highway Officer presented the Board with the road order amendment documents; it covered a vast swathe of double yellow line orders and few other miscellaneous bits. The consultation started on Thursday, 29 August 2024 and would run until Thursday, 19 September 2024.
County Cllr Sullivan thanked the Parking & Highway Officer for the implementation of double yellow lines on Lansdowne Road and Pier Road.
The Chair asked that the Parking Team consider all feedback from the consultation including any feedback about not wanting more double yellow lines.
The board noted the report.
Issues raised by Councillors with the approval of the Chair |
Shorne Crossroads Petition - Update Minutes: This item was covered under Matters Arising.
Cllr Rana - Issue raised by constituent Minutes: As Cllr Rana had sent his apologies, the Chair allowed Cllr Milner to present the issue on his behalf.
Cllr Milner first read out several case reference numbers for the Parking & Highway Officer to note.
Cllr Milner explained that during a recent bout of roadworks, the 482 bus route had changed with a temporary bus stops put in place between 22 and 28 August 2024 in Whitehill Lane and Echo Square. In addition, gorilla tape had been placed over the bus stop signs which had been removed incorrectly and did not show the Sunday bus timetable anymore. The constituent who had raised the issue had received no contact from KCC and had instead been in touch with Arriva.
Cllr Milner requested that someone from KCC respond to the constituent with a response as soon as possible and copy in Cllr Rana.
With regards to bus stop cleanliness, the Chair advised that there was a link on KCCs website where bus stops in disrepair or dirty could be reported.
At the Chairs request, the Highways Manager (Dartford & Gravesham) agreed to look up the case numbers tomorrow, review the history and contact the responsible team.