Agenda and minutes
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Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend DA12 1AU. View directions
Contact: Sue Hills/Christopher Wakeford/Carlie Plowman/Ben Clarke
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: An apology of absence was received from Cllr Brian Sangha. Cllr Lyn Milner subbed for him. Apologies were also received from Cllr William Lambert and Cllr Lesley Boycott.
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 15 September 2015 were signed by the Chair.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were made.
Half-Year Fraud Report 2015-16 PDF 105 KB Minutes: The Fraud Investigations Manager informed the Committee the half-year report outlined the Fraud Departments progress through the year detailing that it looks positive when compared to last year.
The Fraud Investigator outlined that:
Following several questions from Members the Fraud Investigations Manager clarified that:
It was noted by officers that the wording ‘council house’ in paragraph 2.5.6 should be changed to ‘council property’.
Members endorsed the work undertaken in the first six months of 2015-16.
Half-Year Treasury Management 2015-16 Review PDF 143 KB Minutes: The Principal Accountant went through with the Committee the half-year update on treasury management activity undertaken from the period April to September 2015.
The Principal Accountant highlighted to the Committee that:
Following a question from a Member the Principal Accountant elaborated on the changes in the Capital expenditure table on Page 24:
The HRA Capital programme is funded by the depreciation charge. This will be shown separately in future reports given the total funding from this source.
Members noted the report and agreed to recommend to Full Council that the revised estimates against the prudential and treasury indicators are endorsed.
Corporate Risk Register 2015-16 - Mid-Year Review PDF 99 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Principal Accountant introduced the report, providing an update on action taken to manage and mitigate strategic risks and inviting Members to begin consideration of risks for inclusion in the 2016-17 Corporate Risk Register. The Principal Accountant stated to the Committee that the option of removing risk number 4 (Management of Universal Credit Implementation) had been put forward by officers on the basis that it has already been implemented and may be classed as an operational risk now not a corporate one.
The Principal Accountant advised that a provisional date for Risk Management training has been set in the Council Chamber for Monday 25 January 2016 at 18:30pm – Members noted the date in their diaries.
A format change was suggested by a Member to enhance the reporting of action taken to mitigate risks by using a table to show the agreed action, target dates and an update on progress..
The Chair requested that in future any large tables of information be printed out on A3 paper for easier use by the Committee.
After a discussion, the Committee advised officers not to remove risk 4 (Management of Universal Credit Implementation) as they felt it hadn’t been fully rolled out yet and still poses a risk to the Council.
The Chair stated that the DWP have taken over responsibility of the Universal Credit now and the Service Manager Finance advised that the first phase of Universal Credit has already rolled out this year. The risk will be considered as part of the Council’s risk assessment process, with the outcome reported to Members as part of the consideration of the Strategic Risk Register for 16-17.
Following a question from a Member the Assistant Director Corporate Performance advised that the Service Review Team were a team assessing how departments are doing and what needs to be improved so they will be putting forward options for helping to address future budget shortfalls.
Members noted the findings in the report and agreed to the recommendations subject to:
· Risk 4 (Management of Universal Credit Implementation) being reviewed for inclusion in the risk register · A new risk being considered around HRA/Housing
Half-Year Internal Audit Report 2015-16 PDF 112 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Audit & Assurance Manager outlined to the Committee that:
The Chair asked that in future the Audit Plan or indeed any tables of content should be printed off for easier viewing.
The Audit & Assurance Manager agreed to report to the next Committee in February 2016 with an update on the achievement of the plan on how performance is being managed.
The Audit & Assurance Manager assured the Committee that the available resources have been directed towards the highest areas of risk on the audit plan, meaning any work that cannot be delivered in the 2015-16 year is lower in risk, but will be considered for inclusion on the 2016-17 audit plan.
After receiving several comments from Members the Audit & Assurance Manager advised that:
A Member raised concerns about the council’s performance in providing disabled adaptions for Council Homes. The Audit & Assurance Manager explained that the team had audited the function in 2013-14 and gave a Green opinion. A briefing note had been prepared for Cabinet/Housing Delivery Committee which will be shared with the Committee Members.
The Audit & Assurance Manger explained that the agreement with Medway included the provision of an audit plan for Gravesham of the same size as before the shared service (around 400 days). The shared service will however deliver increased efficiency and resilience. Members endorsed the work undertaken by the internal audit team during the first half of the 2015-16 financial year.
Oral Update on Internal Audit & Fraud Partnership with Medway Council Minutes:
The Assistant Director Corporate Performance clarified to the Committee that the report had also been to the Performance & Administration Committee.
The Assistant Director Corporate Performance advised the Committee there had been significant progress with the partnership, including:
· The transfer of the Audit team to Medway is confirmed to happen on the 1 December 2015 subject to any unforeseen circumstances · Two of the three necessary consultation exercises have been completed with staff members under the TUPE regulations · The third consultation will happen the day before the transfer · An IT consultant had been in to talk with staff members about the Medway system and how the network share will work – they will be able to use both of the Medway and Gravesham systems at once under the same firewall protection · A partnership agreement between the two organisations is in the final stages of completion · New laptops and a phone system would be given to the officers as part of their shared role to have easier access to both Council’s systems
The Assistant Director Corporate Performance advised the Committee that this is the first shared service partnership of a back office service; there are already partnerships for front line areas such as CCTV and Building Control.
It was suggested by a Member that baseline costs be incorporated as a performance indicator as they can be raised at any point to which the Assistant Director Corporate Performance agreed.
The Assistant Director (Corporate Performance) assured the Committee that any data transferring of confidential data from the two servers would be handled on encrypted memory sticks and that both heads of IT had been consulted and signed off on the partnership.
Internal Audit & Fraud Partnership with Medway Council - Performance Indicators PDF 103 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Assistant Director (Corporate Performance) clarified that the new partnership, once it’s formally in place by 1 April 2015 provided the opportunity to install some new performance indicators into the framework.
Appendix 2 on page 91 outlines the different indicators used in the various partnerships across Kent.
As previously discussed the Assistant Director (Corporate Performance) listed the performance indicators that had been proposed by the Committee during the meeting:
The Audit & Assurance Manager explained that the performance indicators would be set for a review every year which would come to the Committee on an annual basis for approval.
Members recommended the inclusion of the four performance indicators stated below:
As well as endorsing the performance indicators that were recommended in P&A Committee 12 November 2015:
Budget Monitoring Report 2015-16 - to end September 2015 PDF 213 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Service Manager Finance updated the Committee on the Quarter 2 budget monitoring covering the period to the end of September 2015.
Information was provided on actual performance against the approved Revenue and Capital Budgets for 2015/16 and impact on the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy, Medium Term Financial Plan, the HRA Business Plan and Financial Statements.
The key variance was the reduced spend of £160,000 across all directorates due in the main to vacancy management. The Service Manager Finance also highlighted that the following were included:
Amongst the uncertainties facing the Council was the impact of the forthcoming autumn statement on 25 November 2015. There were expected to be major reductions in spending for government departments and planned reforms to local government finance, including business rates retention of 100%. Once detailed announcements had been made it would then be possible to model the implications for the Medium Term Financial Plan.
After a question from a Member the Service Manager Finance advised she would email Members the details of what the vacancy gap now represents as a percentage of the salary costs of the council.
The Committee raised concerns over paragraph 2.5.4 –the Town Pier Pontoon and the decision to reduce the annual contribution to the Town Pier Pontoon Reserve put aside for possible maintenance costs. Following several additional questions from Members the Service Manager advised she would talk to the necessary officers and get back to the Committee Members:
Annual Audit Letter 2014-15 PDF 73 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The External Auditor presented the Annual Audit Letter, summarising the key findings of the audit work conducted by Grant Thornton for the year ended 31 March 2015. He advised that the deadline for signing off the Statement of Accounts had been met and the audit process was improved since last year. The direction of travel is positive; but work need to continue to improve further the quality of the draft financial statements and working papers.
Members noted the findings and conclusion of the audit work undertaken during 2014-15.