Agenda and minutes
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Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend DA12 1AU. View directions
Contact: Committee Section
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Cllr Steve Thompson. |
To sign the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 144 KB Minutes: Cllr Les Hoskins requested an update following a Licensing Panel that took place regarding the Kings Head, King Street, Gravesend. Members were informed that a verbal update on Licensing Panels held since the previous Licensing Committee would be provided under item 7 of the agenda.
The Senior Licensing Officer agreed to circulate an email with the outcome of the Kings Head Licensing Panel to Committee Members outside of the meeting.
The minutes of the meeting on Tuesday, 02 November 2022 were signed by the Chair. |
To declare any interests members may have in the items contained on this agenda. When declaring an interest a member must state what their interest is. Minutes: No declarations of interest were made.
Pavement Report 2022 PDF 216 KB Minutes: The Senior Licensing Officer presented the Committee with an update regarding pavement licensing under the Business and Planning Act 2020, The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill 2022 and The Business and Planning Act 2020 (Pavement Licences) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2022. The report provided Members with information about the current and proposed licensing regimes.
The Senior Licensing Officer highlighted the following points from the report:
In response to Members’ questions concerning the report, the Senior Licensing Officer and Regulatory Services Manager explained that:
Additional documents: Minutes: The Senior Licensing Officer presented the Committee with the S172F report regarding the off sales of alcohol under the Business and Planning Act 2020, to advise Members that the temporary easement of off-sales of alcohol made during the pandemic under the Business and Planning Act 2020 was likely to be extended to 30 September 2023.
The Senior Licensing Officer highlighted the following points from the report:
In response to Members questions concerning the report, the Senior Licensing Officer andRegulatory Services Manager explained that:
The Committee noted the report.
Any Other Business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: a) Verbal Update – Kings Head, King Street Gravesend.
The Senior Licensing Officer gave Members a verbal update regarding the Licensing Panel for the Kings Head, Kings Street, Gravesend.
The applicant appealed the original decision made in November and it was due to go to magistrates’ court, however slightly amended conditions, to those imposed at the Licensing Panel, were agreed by the applicant, the police, and the Committee Members, thus granting them their licence subjected to the agreed conditions.
b) Verbal Update – Milton Road Convenience Store
The Senior Licensing Officer gave a verbal update on a licensing panel that had taken place on 09 May 2022 regarding Milton Road Convenience Store who had requested a 24-hour licence. The Committee was presented with the evidence and the decision was made to grant the licence of off sales of alcohol between the hours of 6am to 2am Mon-Sun, subject to conditions. At the meeting, Cllr Steve Thompson reminded application objectors they needed to provide sufficient evidence to support their argument.
Members raised concerns regarding how evidence should be presented as the Police were helpful in providing verbal evidence in cases where, historically, similar applications have resulted in a licence being suspended.
In response to a Members question, the Senior Licensing Officer advised that:
· The Kings Food Centre on King Street operated Sunday-Thursday 8am -midnight and Friday-Saturday 8am-2am. · The Kings News and Wine, Queen Street operated Monday-Sunday 8am-11pm.
The Committee were reminded that:
The Regulatory Services Manager agreed to send Members an email detailing the outcome of the Licensing Panel meeting for Milton Road Convenience Store and answer as to whether or not they had joined the GSAFE Scheme which was a condition added by the Licensing Panel.
It was asked if a time cap could be placed on the sale of alcohol, but greater concerns were raised about the welfare of individuals looking to buy alcohol at later times of the night. It was raised whether a walk with street pastors could be arranged for Members to see how the high-street operated between 9pm and 12am.
The Chair thanked the Committee for a detailed discussion.