Agenda and minutes

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Venue: Virtually - Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Ben Clarke  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence


An apology of absence was received from Cllr Frank Wardle. Cllr Les Hoskins substituted, and Cllr Lyn Milner took over the role of Chair.



Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest.



Consideration of application for a premises licence for 50 Istead Rise, Kent, DA13 9JF pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologised to all parties for the minor delay due to technical problems.

The Licensing Panel was asked to determine an application, to which representations had been made, for the grant of a new premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 - application reference 21/00087/LAPL01.


The Licensing Officer gave a brief overview of the application and background information to the Panel. 


The application was submitted by Mr KunarathnamSivakaran for the grant of a premises licence under section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003. A copy of the application was attached at Appendix 2. 


The application was for:


·         Sale of alcohol off the premises 8:00 to 23:00 Monday to Sunday

The Applicants Agent addressed the Panel and outlined the reasons for the application, his background history working in other off licence establishments and addressed the concerns raised by the objectors.

The Chair opened the Panel to questions from Councillors; the below responses were received from the Applicants Agent:

·         The applicant recognised there was a need in the market and felt that his premises was in a good position to also sell alcohol as well as other day to day products

·         The Police and Environmental Health were happy with the operating schedule and had no objection to the application

·         The premises would not be selling high strength cans over 7%; the main focus would be on the middle range beers/cider which were more popular

·         The premises would be selling cans in single units as well as packs; the Applicants Agent added that by requiring a minimum purchase of at least four cans it would encourage customers to purchase and consume larger amounts of alcohol than they needed

·         High strength spirits would be kept behind the counter and the isle that would be selling lower strength cans was within eyesight of the counter; there would be no shutters/coverings placed over the alcohol during the hours of 6am-8am when it was not allowed to be sold. During that time, the trained premises employees would not be selling any alcohol to customers 

·         Mr Sivakaran would be the leaseholder, designated premises supervisor (DPS) and a premises licence holder. He would not be at the premises all the time it was open, but a premises licence holder, employed by Mr Sivakaran, would always be on the shop floor when the premises was open for business

·         There was no need for security; the neighbouring off licence did not have any security and they were open for the same hours

·         The supplementary piece of evidence given by the landlord addressed the concerns raised by the objectors

As the objectors were not present, the Panel considered the written representations attached at appendices 5 and 6.

Upon completion of final submissions, the Chair advised that the hearing had been completed and in line with the Licensing Act, the meeting would be adjourned so that the Panel Members could come to a decision on the application. The Panel was advised that only the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.