Agenda and minutes

Most Council meetings can be viewed on the Council’s YouTube channel. You can watch them live or view previous recordings.

Venue: Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent

Contact: Committee Section 

No. Item




Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Mayor, Cllr Harold Craske asked the outgoing Chaplain, Father James Southward to say a prayer for the meeting.


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Karen Hurdle, Bronwen McGarrity and Peter Rayner.




Gravesham Community Awards


Before the start of formal proceedings, the Chief Executive stated that the Council had instituted award schemes to recognise and honour individual and collective contributions to community life.


Awards were presented by the Mayor to the under-mentioned persons/organisations:-


·         Gravesend junior parkrun (Matt and Becky Baxter)

·         Rob Flood (on behalf of Wendy Daws)

·         Chris Hart

·         Sanctuary Homeless Shelter (Steve and Lorna Nolan)

·         Lesley Gould

·         Sandra Price

·         Annette Garland


Chief Executive and Leaders Special Award – Contribution to the Community:-


·         Reverend Canon Chris Stone

·         Trevor Fenton on behalf of Georgia-Mae Fenton

·         Cheavon Clarke


Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were made.



Election of Mayor for the ensuing municipal year

3.1       The Mayor will call for nominations.

3.2       Members will vote by a show of hands on nominations.
(Note: Candidates may vote.)

3.3       The incoming Mayor will come forward and stand to the right of the Mayor.

3.4       The incoming Mayor will be asked by the Chief Executive to read aloud the Declaration of Acceptance of Office required by Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972. The Mayor will then sign the declaration and the Chief Executive will announce the fact to the Council.

3.5       The outgoing Mayor will shake the hand of the incoming Mayor and vacate the Mayoral Chair.

3.6       The entire company will rise and the National Anthem will be played.

3.7       The company remain standing; the incoming Mayor will retire with the outgoing Mayor and the platform party.

3.8       There will be an interval during the robing of the new Mayor.

3.9       The Mayor’s return will be announced and the company asked to rise. The Mayor will return. The company will remain standing while the outgoing Mayor is conducted to his seat.

3.10     The Mayor’s installation speech.

3.11     At the conclusion, the Mayor will move “that the best thanks of the Council be accorded to Harold Craske for the manner in which he has carried out the office of Mayor during the past municipal year”.

3.12     The Leader of the Executive will second the motion.

3.13     The outgoing Mayor will reply.


It was moved by Councillor David Turner and seconded by Councillor John Knight that:-


Cllr David Hurley be elected Mayor of the Borough for the municipal year 2018/2019.


Tribute was paid to Cllr David Hurley for the steadfast service and support he had given to the Council in the years since first being elected and in his work with local residents. On being put to the vote it was:-


Resolved unanimously that Cllr David Hurley be duly elected Mayor of the Borough for the municipal year 2018/19. Cllr David Hurley made the Declaration of Acceptance of office required by Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972.


The Mayor, in giving his acceptance speech stated that his charities for 2018/19 would be The House of Mercy, Alzheimer's and Dementia Support Services and Demelza Hospice Care for Children.



Vote of thanks to Outgoing Mayor


It was moved by Cllr David Hurley and seconded by Cllr David Turner that the best thanks of the Council be accorded to Cllr Harold Craske for the manner in which he carried out the office of Mayor for the past municipal year.


Cllr Craske suitably replied and in doing so offered thanks to those who had assisted him during his year in office and highlighted a number of events he had attended during his mayoral year.



Presentation of Past Mayor's Badges

4.1       The Mayor will announce that a past Mayor’s Badge will be presented to the outgoing Mayor.

4.2       The Mayor will then present the past Mayor’s Badge to the outgoing Mayor.


The Worshipful the Mayor presented Cllr Harold Craske with a Past Mayor’s Badge.


Presentation of Past Mayoress's Badge

5.1       The Mayor will announce that a past Mayoress’s badge will be presented to the outgoing Mayoress.

5.2       The Mayor will then present the past Mayoress’s Badge  to the outgoing Mayoress.


The Worshipful the Mayor presented Mrs Veronica Craske with a Past Mayoress’s Badge.


Appointment of Civic Chaplain

The Mayor will announce the name of the Civic Chaplain.


The Worshipful the Mayor stated that the Civic Chaplain would be Father Innocent Abonyi who was unable to attend the meeting. Father Innocent Abonyi would be invested with the Chaplain’s Cross at the next meeting of Full Council.



Election of Deputy Mayor for the ensuing municipal year

7.1       The Mayor will call for nominations.

7.2       Members will vote by a show of hands on nominations.
(Note: Candidates may vote.)

7.3       The incoming Deputy Mayor will come forward to stand to the right of the Mayor.

7.4       The incoming Deputy Mayor will be asked by the Chief Executive to read aloud the Declaration of Acceptance of Office required by the Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972. The Deputy Mayor will then sign the declaration and the Chief Executive will announce the fact to the Council.

7.5       The Mayor will place the Chain of Office on the incoming Deputy Mayor and shake his/her hand.


It was moved by Cllr John Knight and seconded by Cllr David Turner that:-


Cllr Lesley Boycott be appointed Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the municipal year 2018/19.


Tribute was paid to Cllr Lesley Boycott for the steadfast service and support she had given to the Council in the years since first being elected and in her work with local residents. On being put to the vote it was:-


Resolved unanimously that Cllr Lesley Boycott be duly elected Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal year 2018/19. Cllr Lesley Boycott then made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office required by Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972.



Deputy Mayor's Escort

9.1       The Deputy Mayor will announce the Deputy Mayor’s Escort for the ensuing municipal year.


9.2       The Deputy Mayor will present the Deputy Mayor’s Escort with the Escort’s Chain of Office.


The Deputy Mayor stated that her Deputy Mayor’s Escort would be Cllr William Lambert and invested him with the Deputy Mayor’s Escort’s Chain.



Presentation of Bouquets

The incoming Deputy Mayor and outgoing Mayoress will be presented with bouquets.


Bouquets were presented to the Deputy Mayor and outgoing Mayoress.



Minutes of the meeting of Council held on Tuesday, 17 April 2018 pdf icon PDF 72 KB

The Mayor, having received the approval of the Council, will sign the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 17 April 2018.


The minutes of the meeting of Council held on 17 April 2018 were signed by the Mayor.



Confirmation of the arrangements in respect of the Cabinet

11.1     The Leader will decide upon the size of the Cabinet (subject to a maximum of ten, including the Leader and Deputy Leader) and will appoint Cabinet members from among the serving Councillors;

11.2     The Leader will appoint the Deputy Leader from among the Cabinet members.


The Council noted the arrangements put in place for the Cabinet and the names of the Members that would comprise the Cabinet:-


·         Leader  – Cllr David Turner

·         Deputy Leader/Public Protection & HR - Cllr John Knight

·         Performance/Administration Portfolio – Cllr Derek Shelbrooke

·         Community Development Portfolio – Cllr Gurjit Bains

·         Tourism & Youth Portfolio – Cllr Harold Craske

·         Sport, Leisure & Arts Portfolio – Cllr Sandra Garside

·         Planning & Regeneration Portfolio – Cllr Julia Burgoyne

·         Business Development Portfolio – Cllr Samir Jassal

·         Environmental Services Portfolio – Cllr Alan Ridgers

·         Housing Portfolio – Cllr Anthony Pritchard


The following items (Minute 98 to 102) were moved by Cllr David Turner, seconded by Cllr John Knight and agreed en-bloc unanimously.


Representation of Political Groups on Committees

12.1       To review the representation of the political groups on the following:

Regulatory Board (Planning)

Licensing Committee

Finance and Audit Committee

Overview Scrutiny Committee

Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee

Appointments Board

Standards Committee

12.2       Subject to the review, to determine the allocation of seat thereon to the Political Groups.

12.3       Subject to the Assistant Director (Communities) receiving notification of each group’s wishes in relation to the appointment of members to those seats, to appoint the Council’s Committees as identified in 12.1 above.


1. Having reviewed the representation of the political groups on Council Committees and Boards, that the allocation of seats thereon to the political groups be determined as follows:-


Regulatory Board                                         9 Members

Conservative Group                                       5 seats

Labour Group                                                  4 seats


Licensing Committee                                   15 Members

Conservative Group                                       8 seats

Labour Group                                                  7 seats



Finance and Audit Committee                    9 Members

Conservative Group                                       5 seats

Labour Group                                                  4 seats


Overview Scrutiny Committee                    9 Members

Conservative Group                                       5 seats

Labour Group                                                  4 seats


Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee10 Members

Conservative Group                                       5 seats

Labour Group                                                  5 seats


Appointments Board                                    12 Members

Conservative Group                                       7 seats

Labour Group                                                  5 seats


Standards Committee                                  9 Members

Conservative Group                                       5 seats

Labour Group                                                  4 seats


2.   That each political group may appoint substitute Members for all of the above Committees and Boards, except the Standards Committee and the Appointments Board, in accordance with Procedural Rule 7.



Appointments of Members to Committees and Boards

To appoint Members and Substitutes together with the Chairs and Vice-Chairs (where required) to the following Committees and Boards:-

Regulatory Board (Planning)

Licensing Committee

Finance and Audit Committee

Overview Scrutiny Committee

Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee

Appointments Board

Standards Committee

Joint Arrangement with other Local Authorities:-

Joint Transportation Board

(Note: the Chair of the Board will be appointed by Kent County Council.)

South Thames Gateway (STG) Building Control Joint Committee

Dartford, Gravesham & Swanley Health & Wellbeing Board


1.    That the Committees and Boards of the Council be appointed as set out below so as to give effect to the wishes of the political groups as notified to the Assistant Director (Communities) and that the Chairs and Vice-Chairs be as shown:-

Regulatory Board (Planning)



Conservative Group (5 seats)


Labour Group (4 seats)



Michael Wenban (Chair)


John Burden



Robin Theobald (Vice-Chair)


Lee Croxton



John Knight


Brian Sangha





Lauren Sullivan



Derek Shelbrooke





Licensing Committee


Conservative Group (8 seats)

Labour Group (7 seats)



Jordan Meade (Chair)



Gurdip Bungar


Karen Hurdle (Vice-Chair)



Brian Francis


Greta Goatley



John Loughlin


Gary Harding



Lyn Milner


Sara Langdale



John Caller


Gurjit Bains



Steve Thompson


Leslie Pearton



Jenny Wallace


Michael Wenban






Finance and Audit Committee



Conservative Group (5 seats)


Labour Group (4 seats)



Karen Hurdle (Chair)



John Burden



Robin Theobold (Vice-Chair)



Shane Mochrie-Cox



Lesley Boycott



Peter Rayner



Leslie Hills



Lenny Rolles



William Lambert






Overview Scrutiny Committee


Conservative Group (5 seats)


Labour Group (4 seats)


Conrad Broadley (Vice-Chair)


John Burden (Chair)


Leslie Hills


Jenny Wallace


William Lambert


Lee Croxton


Sara Langdale


Makhan Singh


Michael Wenban



Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee


Conservative Group (5 seats)


Labour Group (5 seats)


Sara Langdale (Chair)


Gurdip Bungar


Conrad Broadley (Vice-Chair)


Brian Francis


Gary Harding


Robert Halpin 


Karen Hurdle


Steve Thompson


Greta Goatley


John Caller


Appointments Board (no substitutes)


Conservative Group (7 seats)


Labour Group (5 seats)


David Turner (Chair)


John Burden


John Knight (Vice-Chair)


Lee Croxton


Julia Burgoyne


Lyn Milner


Karen Hurdle

Sara Langdale

Anthony Pritchard

Robin Theobald


Lauren Sullivan

John Caller


Standards Committee (no substitutes)


Conservative Group (5 seats)


Labour Group (4 seats)


Robin Theobald (Chair)


Valerie Ashenden


Michael Wenban (Vice-Chair)


John Caller


Lesley Boycott


Makhan Singh


Leslie Hills


Narinderjit Thandi


Anthony Pritchard




Joint Arrangements with other Local Authorities

Joint Transportation Board (no substitutes)


Conservative Group (3 seats)


Labour Group (2 seats)


Lesley Boycott (Vice-Chair)


Rob Halpin


Leslie Hills


Peter Scollard


Robin Theobald







South Thames Gateway Building Control Joint Committee


Conservative Group (1 seat)


Labour Group (0 seats)


Julia Burgoyne




David Turner




Dartford, Gravesham & Swanley Health & Wellbeing Board


Conservative Group (1 seat)


Labour Group (0 seats)


David Turner




Jordan Meade





Appointment of representatives to Outside Bodies

To make appointments to outside bodies.


That the following appointments be made to outside bodies:-


Action with Communities in Rural Kent
John Burden, Julia Burgoyne


Alzheimer’s & Dementia Support Services
Bronwen McGarrity


Charity of Knight’s Almshouses (4 year term)
Peter Rayner


Choices (formerly North Kent Women’s Aid)
Bronwen McGarrity


Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
Gary Harding


CCTV – Lay Panel of Visitors
Lesley Boycott, John Knight, Lyn Milner. 

Substitutes: David Hurley, Jenny Wallace, Michael Wenban


John Knight (appointed on 06.03.2018, to be reaffirmed at AC to keep aligned)


Dartford and Gravesham Community Safety Partnership
John Knight, David Turner (substitute) (appointed on 06.03.2018, to be reaffirmed at AC to keep aligned)


Dartford and Gravesham District Partnership Group
John Burden


Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust Stakeholder Council

Gurjit Bains, Lyn Milner (appointed on 10.10.2017, to be reaffirmed at AC to keep aligned)


DGSM Your Choice

William Lambert


Ebbsfleet UDC Board Planning Committee (3 year term)

Robin Theobald
Substitute: Julia Burgoyne


Elizabeth Huggins Cottages Charity (4 year term)
Colin Meredith


Gravesend & District Mencap Society
Lee Croxton, David Hurley


Gravesend Regatta Committee
Harold Craske, Jordan Meade, Shane Mochrie-Cox


Gravesham Access Group
Gary Harding (appointed on 05.12.2017, to be reaffirmed at AC to keep aligned)


Gravesham Arts Council and Executive Committee
Robert Halpin, Sara Langdale, Harold Craske


Gravesham Community Leisure Limited
Sandra Garside, Sara Langdale


Gravesham Rights of Way Committee
Lee Croxton, Alan Ridgers, Robin Theobald


Groundwork South
Samir Jassal


Kent County Playing Fields Association
Sandra Garside


Kent Crime Panel
John Knight


Kent Crime & Safety Partnership
John Knight


Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Robin Theobald


Local Government Association
David Turner


Local Government Information Unit
David Turner


Meopham Community Sports and Leisure Association Management Committee
John Caller, Derek Shelbrooke


North Kent Crime Prevention Panel
John Knight


North Kent Marshes Internal Drainage Board
Harold Craske, Leslie Hills, Robin Theobald


North Kent Relate
Karen Hurdle


North West Kent Volunteer Centre
Alan Ridgers


Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Strategy (SAMMS) 
Harold Craske

Substitute: Robin Theobald


South East Employers
John Knight
Substitute: David Turner


The Grand Community Interest Company
John Burden, Sandra Garside (Sandra Garside appointed on 10.10.2017, to be reaffirmed at AC to keep aligned)


Town Twinning Association
Julia Burgoyne, Lyn Milner



Scheme of Delegation

To re-affirm the scheme of delegation relating to the Council’s functions other than Cabinet functions.

An electronic link to Annex 1 of the Constitution herewith:-


The scheme of delegation relating to the Council’s functions other than Cabinet functions contained within Annexes 1.2, 1.3, 1.13, 1.14 and 1.15 of the Constitution were re-affirmed.




Timetable of meetings for the forthcoming municipal year pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To approve the timetable of meetings for the forthcoming municipal year.


That the timetable of meetings for the 2018/19 municipal year be adopted.



To consider any questions submitted under Council procedure Rules from members of the public (rule 13) or Members of the Council (rule 14).


No questions had been received.