Agenda and minutes
Most Council meetings can be viewed on the Council’s YouTube channel. You can watch them live or view previous recordings.
Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend DA12 1AU. View directions
Contact: Committee Section
No. | Item |
The Mayor, on behalf of the Council, acknowledged and congratulated Gifted Young Gravesham for receiving a National Award for their work in relation to Hate Crime.
Gifted Young Gravesham outlined the work they had been undertaking in relation to Hate Crime which included working with eight secondary schools within the Borough to produce a collaborative ‘Report It’ video to highlight the need to report hate crime. A survey was also undertaken within the eight secondary schools in order to obtain a Borough-wide view of hate crime/young peoples need.
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Ejaz Aslam, Gurjit Bains, Emma Elliott, Leslie Hills, Samir Jassal, Nirmal Khabra and Steve Thompson.
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21 February 2023 were signed by the Mayor.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: The Deputy Chief Executive advised that, in accordance with advice received from the Council’s Monitoring Officer, Members only needed to declare interests which had not already been listed within their Disclosable Pecuniary Interests form.
No declarations of interest were made.
To answer any questions received from members of the public of which notice has been given under Council Procedure Rule 13 Minutes: No questions had been received.
Minutes of Committees PDF 160 KB To receive and adopt the proceedings, reports and recommendations of the following committees, except those items reserved under Council procedure Rule 5.2 (6) and to ratify and confirm the orders made by them. Additional documents:
Minutes: Motions that proceedings, reports and recommendations of Committees, except those reserved under Council Procedure 5.2(6) as referred to below be received and adopted and where applicable the Orders made by them be ratified and confirmed were duly proposed, seconded and resolved in each case.
· Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on Monday, 20 February 2023 · Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday, 1 March 2023 · Minutes of the meeting of the Standards Committee held on Monday, 6 March 2023 · Minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Audit Committee held on Tuesday, 7 March 2023 · Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on Monday, 20 March 2023
Reserved Minutes To receive and adopt the proceedings, reports and recommendations of committees contained in the list of items reserved under Council Procedure Rule 5.2(6) and to ratify the orders made by them. They will be dealt with in the following order:-
Cabinet Finance & Audit Committee Planning Committee Standards Committee Minutes: It was moved by Cllr John Burden and seconded by Cllr Lee Croxton that:-
· the reserved Minute of Cabinet (Corporate Performance Report: Q3 2022-23) held on 20 February 2023 be ratified and confirmed.
Development of the Corporate Risk Register 2023-2024 PDF 353 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council received a report which informed Members of the outcome of the annual risk identification and analysis exercise and was presented with a copy of the Corporate Risk Register for 2023-24 for approval.
Resolved that the Corporate Risk Register for 2023-24 be approved.
To consider questions from Members of the Council of which notice has been given under Council Procedure Rule 14. Minutes: No questions had been received.
To receive the Mayor's Announcements Minutes: The Mayor:-
· wished everyone a happy Vaisakhi/Baisakhi, Festival of Ridvan, and Eid al-Fitr; · advised that a flag raising event to celebrate Eid would be taking place on Thursday 13 April 2023; · advised that the Vaisakhi celebrations/procession would be taking place on Saturday 15 April 2023; · invited those present to his Retirement Reception which will be held on Friday 21 April 2023. Tickets can be purchased via The Woodville Box Office/website; · invited those present to Northfleet Day which will be held on Saturday 22 April 2023 at St Botolph’s Church, Northfleet; · advised that Gravesham with Ebbsfleet Rotary hold a monthly drop-in session to allow the public to find out more about the organisation. One of its charity events ‘On Your Bike’ will be held on Sunday 21 May 2023; and · congratulated Ebbsfleet United Football Club on its promotion to the National League following its win of the National League South title on Friday 7 April 2023.
The Mayor acknowledged that this would be the last Council meeting for several Councillors as they would not be seeking re-election in May 2023. The Mayor invited all those present to join him in the Parlour for farewell refreshments.
The Mayor also stated that this was his last ordinary meeting of Council and thanked everyone for their support.