Agenda and minutes

Most Council meetings can be viewed on the Council’s YouTube channel. You can watch them live or view previous recordings.

Venue: The Woodville, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent. DA12 1AU. View directions

Contact: Committee Section 

No. Item




Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Mayor, Cllr Gurdip Ram Bungar asked the Chaplain, Mrs Marion Fielder-White to say a prayer for the meeting.



Gravesham Civic and Community Awards


The Chief Executive stated that the Council had instituted an award scheme to recognise and honour individual and collective contributions to community life. Awards were presented by the Mayor to the under-mentioned persons/organisations:-


Civic and Community Awards:


·         Helenna Shelley - Gravesham Pride 

·         Steve Nolan - Gravesham Safe Space Project 

·         Sheila Gibson - Litter Picking in Istead Rise

·         Mandi Knight - Supporting Community Arts and Activities in Northfleet

·         Michael Fitzimmons - Gravesend Regatta and Gravesend Rowing Club


Highly Commended Awards for their Contribution to the Community:


·         Zoe Webber

·         Dennis Usher

·         River Church


Mayor’s Special Award in Recognition of Achievements:


  • Robert Sparks


Special Award in Recognition of Achievements:


·         Northfleet Technology College


The Chief Executive advised that 2024 was a very special year for Gravesham Borough Council, as it marked 50 years since its formation in 1974.


To celebrate, the Council had made this year, its year of volunteering and were encouraging staff to donate a working day to support a local charity or good cause.


As the Council prepared to mark its own anniversary, it became aware of a number of local charities and organisations who were also celebrating significant milestones this year.


Certificates were presented by the Mayor to the under-mentioned local charities and organisations to mark their significant milestones/anniversaries:-


·         Henry Pinnock and Victoria and Albert Memorial – 400 years

·         Gravesend RNLI – 200 years

·         Gad’s Hill School – 100 years

·         Elizabeth Huggins Cottages Charity – 100 years

·         Gravesend Historical Society – 100 years





An apology for absence was received from Councillor Aaron Elliott.



Declaration of Interest


The Chief Executive advised that, in accordance with advice received from the Council’s Monitoring Officer, Members only needed to declare interests which had not already been listed within their Disclosable Pecuniary Interests form.


No declarations of interest were made.



Election of Mayor for the ensuing municipal year

3.1       The Mayor will call for nominations.


3.2       Members will vote on nominations.

(Note: Candidates may vote)


3.3       The incoming Mayor will come forward and stand to the right of

the Mayor.


3.4       The incoming Mayor will be asked by the Chief Executive to read

aloud the Declaration of Acceptance of Office required by

Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972. The Mayor will

then sign the declaration and the Chief Executive will announce

the fact to the Council.


3.5       The outgoing Mayor will shake the hand of the incoming Mayor

and vacate the Mayoral Chair.


3.6       The entire company will rise and the National Anthem will be



3.7       The company remain standing; the incoming Mayor will retire

together with the outgoing Mayor and the platform party.


3.8       There will be an interval during the robing of the new Mayor.


3.9       The Mayor’s return will be announced and the company asked to

rise. The Mayor will return. The company will remain standing

while the outgoing Mayor is conducted to his seat.


3.10     The Mayor’s installation speech.


3.11     At the conclusion, the Mayor will move “that the best thanks of the

Council be accorded to Gurdip Ram Bungar for the manner in which he

has carried out the office of Mayor during the past municipal



3.12     The Leader of the Executive will second the motion.


3.13     The outgoing Mayor will reply.


It was moved by Councillor John Burden and seconded by Councillor Shane Mochrie-Cox that:-


Cllr Daniel Adewale King be elected Mayor of the Borough for the municipal year 2024/25.


It was resolved unanimously that Cllr Daniel Adewale King be duly elected Mayor of the Borough for the municipal year 2024/25.


Cllr Daniel Adewale King made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office required by Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972.


The Mayor, in giving his acceptance speech, stated that his charities for 2024/25 would be Ellenor, Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Services and Waterside Parent's Centre.



Vote of thanks to Outgoing Mayor


It was moved by Cllr Daniel Adewale King that the best thanks of the Council be accorded to Cllr Gurdip Ram Bungar for the manner in which he carried out the office of Mayor for the past municipal year.


Cllr Gurdip Ram Bungar suitably replied and in doing so offered thanks to those who had assisted him during his year in office.



Presentation of the Past Mayor's Badge

The Mayor will announce that a past Mayor’s Badge will be presented to the outgoing Mayor.


The Worshipful the Mayor presented Cllr Gurdip Ram Bungar with a Past Mayor’s Badge.



Presentation of the Past Mayoress's Badge

The Mayor will announce that a past Mayoress’s Badge will be presented to the outgoing Mayoress.


The Worshipful the Mayor presented Nanjo Bungar with a Past Mayoress’s Badge.




The Mayor will announce the Mayoress / Mayor’s Escort for the ensuing municipal year.


The Mayor stated that the Mayoress would be Jokotade Arinola King and invested her with the Mayoress’s Chain.



Appointment of the Civic Chaplain

The Mayor will announce the Civic Chaplain and invest the incumbent with the Civic Cross


The Worshipful the Mayor stated that the Civic Chaplain would be Mrs Marion Fielder-White and invested her with the Civic Cross.



Election of Deputy Mayor for the ensuing municipal year

8.1       The Mayor will call for nominations.


8.2       Members will vote on nominations.

(Note: Candidates may vote)


8.3       The incoming Deputy Mayor will come forward and stand to the

right of the Mayor.


8.4       The incoming Deputy Mayor will be asked by the Chief Executive

to read aloud the Declaration of Acceptance of Office required by

Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972. The Deputy Mayor

will then sign the declaration and the Chief Executive will

announce the fact to the Council.


8.5       The Mayor will place the Chain of Office on the incoming Deputy

Mayor and shake his/her hand.


It was moved by Cllr John Burden and seconded by Cllr Shane Mochrie-Cox that:-


Cllr Jenny Wallace be appointed Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the municipal year 2024/25.


It was resolved unanimously that Cllr Jenny Wallace be duly elected Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal year 2024/25.


Cllr Jenny Wallace made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office required by Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972.



Deputy Mayor's Escort

The Deputy Mayor will announce the Deputy Mayoress / Deputy Mayor’s Escort for the ensuing municipal year.


The Deputy Mayor stated that the Deputy Mayor’s Escort will be Alexander Wallace and invested him with the Deputy Mayor’s Escort Chain.



Presentation of Bouquets


Bouquets were presented to the Mayoress, Deputy Mayor and outgoing Mayoress.



Minutes of the meeting of Council held on Tuesday 16 April 2024 pdf icon PDF 228 KB


The minutes of the meeting of Council held on 16 April 2024 were signed by the Mayor.



Confirmation of the arrangements in respect of the Cabinet - for information

11.1 The Leader will decide upon the size of the Cabinet (subject to a

maximum of ten, including the Leader and Deputy Leader) and

will appoint Cabinet Members from among the serving



11.2 The Leader will appoint the Deputy Leader from among the

Cabinet Members.


The Council noted the arrangements put in place for the Cabinet and the names of the Members that would comprise the Cabinet:-


Cllr John Burden (Leader)

Cllr Shane Mochrie-Cox (Deputy Leader) - Strategic Environment Portfolio

Cllr Emma Morley - Operational Services Portfolio

Cllr Karina O’Malley - Housing Services Portfolio

Cllr Lauren Sullivan - Community & Leisure Portfolio

Cllr Narinderjit Singh Thandi - Performance and Administration Portfolio


Cllr Lenny Rolles will be undertaking a Non-Cabinet/Advisory position and will chair the ‘Special Cabinet Advisory Committee’ which will oversee activities such as Commercial Activities, Property Investment, Climate Change and Outside Bodies and Partnerships.


The following items (Minute 16 to 20) were moved by Cllr John Burden, seconded by Cllr Shane Mochrie-Cox and agreed en-bloc unanimously.


Representation on Political Groups on Committees

13.1     To review the representation of the political groups on the



            Planning Committee

Licensing Committee

Finance and Audit Committee

Overview Scrutiny Committee

Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee

Appointments Board

Standards Committee

Appeals Sub-Committee

Appointments Panel

Hackney Carriage Sub-Committee

Licensing Panel


13.2     Subject to the review, to determine the allocations of seats

thereon to the Political Groups.


13.3     Subject to the Service Manager (Communities) receiving

notification of each Group’s wishes in relation to the

appointment of Members to those seats, to appoint the

Council’s Committees as identified in 13.1 above.


1.    Having reviewed the representation of the political groups on Council Committees and Boards, that the allocation of seats thereon to the political groups be determined as follows:-


Planning Committee                                                  9 Members


Labour Group                                      5 seats
Conservative Group                           4 seats


Licensing Committee                                                15 Members


Labour Group                                      8 seats
Conservative Group                            7 seats


Finance and Audit Committee                                 9 Members


Labour Group                                      5 seats
Conservative Group                            4 seats


Overview Scrutiny Committee                                 9 Members


Labour Group                                      5 seats
Conservative Group                            4 seats


Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee               15 Members


Labour Group                                      8 seats
Conservative Group                            7 seats


Appointments Board                                                 15 Members


Labour Group                                      8 seats
Conservative Group                            7 seats


Standards Committee                                               9 Members


Labour Group                                      5 seats
Conservative Group                            4 seats


Appeals Sub-Committee                                          3 Members


Labour Group                                      2 seats
Conservative Group                            1 seat


Appointments Panel                                                  3 Members


Labour Group                                      2 seats
Conservative Group                            1 seat


Hackney Carriage Sub-Committee                          3 Members


Labour Group                                      2 seats
Conservative Group                            1 seat


Licensing Panel                                                         3 Members


Labour Group                                      2 seats
Conservative Group                            1 seat


2.    That each political group may appoint substitute Members for all of the above Committees and Boards in accordance with Procedural Rule 7.



Appointment of Members to Committees and Boards

To appoint Members together with the Chairs and Vice-Chairs (where

required) to the following Committees and Boards:-


Planning Committee

Licensing Committee

Finance and Audit Committee

Overview Scrutiny Committee

Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee

Appointments Board

Standards Committee

Appeals Sub-Committee

Appointments Panel

Hackney Carriage Sub-Committee

Licensing Panel


Joint arrangements with other local authorities:-


Joint Transportation Board

South Thames Gateway Building Control Joint Committee


1.    That the Committees and Boards of the Council be appointed as set out below so as to give effect to the wishes of the political groups as notified to the Assistant Director (Organisational Development & Democratic Support) and that the Chairs and Vice-Chairs be as shown.


Planning Committee – 9 Seats


Labour Group (5 seats)

Conservative Group (4 seats)

Cllr Lee Croxton (Chair)

Cllr Rajinder Atwal (Vice Chair)

Cllr Ejaz Aslam

Cllr Gary Harding

Cllr Deborah Croxton

Cllr Samir Jassal

Cllr Lyn Milner

Cllr Peter Scollard

Cllr Alan Metcalf



Licensing Committee –15 Seats


Labour Group (8 seats)


Conservative Group (7 seats)

Cllr Baljit Hayre (Chair)

Cllr Derek Ashenden

Cllr Jo Hart (Vice Chair)

Cllr Gurdip Bungar

Cllr Helen Ashenden

Cllr Jordan Meade

Cllr Deborah Croxton

Cllr Lee Croxton

Cllr Gary Harding

Cllr Alan Metcalf

Cllr Ektaveen Thandi

Cllr Leslie Pearton

Cllr Rajinder Atwal

Cllr Tony Rana

Cllr Frank Wardle




Finance and Audit Committee – 9 Seats


Labour Group (5 seats)

Conservative Group (4 seats)


Cllr Gavin Larkins (Chair)

Cllr Derek Ashenden

Cllr Ektaveen Thandi (Vice Chair)

Cllr Helen Ashenden

Cllr Jo Hart

Cllr Aaron Elliott

Cllr Jenny Wallace

Cllr Samir Jassal

Cllr Lee Croxton



Overview Scrutiny Committee – 9 Seats


Labour Group (5 seats)


Conservative Group (4 seats)

Cllr Deborah Croxton (Vice Chair)

Cllr Jordan Meade (Chair)

Cllr Gavin Larkins

Cllr Helen Ashenden

Cllr Ektaveen Thandi

Cllr Emma Elliott

Cllr Lee Croxton

Cllr Leslie Hills

Cllr Tony Rana



Crime and Disorder Committee –15 Seats


Labour Group (8 seats)


Conservative Group (7 seats)

Cllr Baljit Hayre (Chair)

Cllr Derek Ashenden

Cllr Jo Hart (Vice Chair)

Cllr Helen Ashenden

Cllr Deborah Croxton

Cllr Lee Croxton

Cllr Ejaz Aslam

Cllr Aaron Elliott

Cllr Ektaveen Thandi

Cllr Gary Harding

Cllr Christina Rolles

Cllr Tony Rana

Cllr Peter Scollard

Cllr Leslie Pearton

Cllr Frank Wardle


Appointments Board –15 Seats


Labour Group (8 seats)


Conservative Group (7 seats)


Cllr John Burden (Chair)

Cllr Helen Ashenden

Cllr Shane Mochrie-Cox (Vice Chair)

Cllr Gurdip Bungar

Cllr Lee Croxton

Cllr Ejaz Aslam

Cllr Leslie Hills

Cllr Jordan Meade

Cllr Lyn Milner

Cllr Alan Ridgers

Cllr Lenny Rolles

Cllr Lauren Sullivan

Cllr Ben Sizer

Cllr Frank Wardle

Cllr Jenny Wallace




Standards Committee – 9 Seats


Labour Group (5 seats)

Conservative Group (4 seats)


Cllr Lenny Rolles (Chair)

Cllr Jordan Meade

Cllr Lyn Milner (Vice Chair)

Cllr Helen Ashenden

Cllr Rajinder Atwal

Cllr Leslie Hills

Cllr Gurdip Bungar

Cllr Frank Wardle

Cllr Deborah Croxton



Appeals Sub-Committee – 3 seats


Labour Group (2 seats)

Conservative Group (1 seat)


Cllr Jo Hart (Chair)

Cllr Jordan Meade

Cllr Lyn Milner (Vice Chair)



Hackney Carriage Sub-Committee – 3 seats


Labour Group (2 seats)

Conservative Group (1 seat)


Cllr John Burden (Chair)

Cllr Jordan Meade

Cllr Lee Croxton (Vice Chair)



Appointments Panel (3 seats) - The panel’s membership is drawn from available Appointments Board Members and will consist of two Labour Members and one Conservative Member. 


Licensing Panel (3 seats) - The panel’s membership is drawn from available Licensing Committee Members and will  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.


Appointment of representatives to Outside Bodies

To make appointments to outside bodies


1.    That appointments to outside bodies be made in accordance with the following list:-


Alzheimer’s & Dementia Support Services


Cllr Jo Hart

Charity of Knights Almhouses
(4 year term)


Cllr John Burden


Citizens Advice (North West Kent)

Cllr Deborah Croxton


CCTV – Lay Panel of Visitors

Cllr Lyn Milner

Cllr Jenny Wallace

Cllr Ejaz Aslam



Cllr John Burden

Cllr Shane Mochrie-Cox

Cllr Frank Wardle


Council for Voluntary Service North West Kent

Cllr Alison Williams


Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust Stakeholder Council


Cllr John Burden


Ebbsfleet UDC Board


Cllr John Burden

Elizabeth Huggins Cottages Charity

(4 year term)

Ms Karen Hurdle


Gravesend & District Mencap Society

Cllr Lee Croxton

Cllr Helen Ashenden 


Gravesend Regatta Committee

Ms Sue Fletcher

Mr Toby Cook

Cllr Jordan Meade


Gravesham Access Group


Cllr Lauren Sullivan


Gravesham Community Investment Partnership

Cllr Lenny Rolles

Cllr Alison Williams



Gravesham Community Leisure Limited

Cllr Shane Mochrie-Cox

Cllr Jo Hart


Gravesham Community Safety Partnership

Cllr Shane Mochrie-Cox

Cllr John Burden (Substitute)


Gravesham Rights of Way Committee

Cllr Lee Croxton

Mr Ben Archell

Cllr Leslie Hills


Greater North Kent

Cllr John Burden


Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) Joint Committee


Cllr Shane Mochrie-Cox


Dartford, Gravesham & Swanley Health & Care Partnership  (Extension to ICP)


Cllr Shane Mochrie-Cox

Kent & Medway Police & Crime Panel

Cllr Shane Mochrie-Cox


Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Cllr Gavin Larkins


Local Government Association

Cllr John Burden


Local Government Information Unit

Cllr John Burden


Meopham Sports and Leisure Association (MSLA) Management Committee

Mr Toby Cook

Cllr Ejaz Aslam



North Kent Marshes Internal Drainage Board

Cllr Lee Croxton

Cllr Jenny Wallace

Cllr Gary Harding


North Kent Relate

Cllr Christina Rolles


North West Kent Volunteer Centre

Cllr Peter Scollard


Northfleet Harbourside Steering Group

Cllr Lenny Rolles

Cllr Alison Williams


PATROL (Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London) Adjudication Joint Committee


Mr Brian Sangha

South East Employers

Cllr John Burden

Cllr Shane Mochrie-Cox (Substitute)



Strategic Access Management & Monitoring Strategy (SAMMS)

Cllr Lee Croxton

Cllr Lauren Sullivan (Substitute)


The Gr@nd Community Interest Company

Cllr Alison Williams

Cllr Shane Mochrie-Cox


Town Twinning Association

Cllr Lyn Milner

Cllr Alan Ridgers



Scheme of Delegation

To re-affirm the scheme of delegation relating to the Council’s functions other than Cabinet functions. An electronic link to Annex 1 of the Constitution herewith:-




That the Council reaffirms the scheme of delegations relating to the Council’s functions, other than Cabinet functions, contained within Annexes 1.2, 1.3, 1.13, 1.14 and 1.15 of the Constitution.



Timetable of meetings for the forthcoming municipal year pdf icon PDF 41 KB

To approve the timetable of meetings for the forthcoming municipal year.


That the timetable of meetings for the forthcoming municipal year be adopted.




To consider any questions submitted under the Council Procedure Rules from members of the public (Rule 13) or Members of the Council (Rule 14).


No questions had been received.