Agenda and minutes
Most Council meetings can be viewed on the Council’s YouTube channel. You can watch them live or view previous recordings.
Venue: Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent
Contact: Nick Channon
No. | Item |
Prayer Minutes: The meeting was opened by Prayer. |
Presentations Minutes: The Mayor presented cheques to the representatives of organisations who had benefited from the Major's Charity Fund.
The Chief Executive stated that the Council had instituted the presentation awards to recognise and honour individual and collective contributions to community life in Gravesham and to inspire others to such service.
Certificates were presented by the Mayor to the under-mentioned persons/organisations:-
Vox Box: A special certificate was presented to representatives of Vox Box for the hard work they had carried out in re-establishing the Youth Council and giving young people a chance to have a say.
The Local Councillor Shadowing Programme: Certificates were presented to four young people who had been involved in a new initiative to give young people aged 13 to 19 a chance to shadow their local Councillor, enabling them to get involved in local democracy. The four young persons are:-
Elizabeth Carter Charlotte Johnson Daniel Warters-Johnson Jordan Meade
A retirement certificate was presented to Dev Sharma MBE to celebrate his retirement and recognise his contribution to the community.
Pride in Gravesham Awards 2010:
Category 1 Someone who has made a special contribution to the lives of young people Winner: Jordan Meade
Category 2 Someone who has made a special contribution to the lives of older people Winner: Trixie Coleman
Category 3 Someone who has made a special contribution to the community Winner: Susan Ewen
Category 4 Someone who has made a special contribution to cultural diversity and understanding Winner: Mohammad Aslam
Category 5 A group that has made a special contribution to the community Winner: 7 Avenues Community Association
Civic Awards:
A Special Leader and Chief Executive Civic Award had been created to recognise outstanding services and exceptional achievements.
Lynn Savill MBE - 30 years supporting people with epilepsy in Gravesham Roger Bowen - 62 years active involvement in football initiatives in Gravesham Gravesend Rugby Football Club- In recognition of all the Club does for the community plus its exceptional season resulting in promotion to a National League and winning the Kent Cup. |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Patricia Oakeshott, Derek Sales, Makhan Singh and Bryan Sweetland. |
Election of Mayor 3.1 The Mayor will call for nominations.
3.2 Members will vote by a show of hands on nominations. (Note: Candidates may vote).
3.3 The incoming Mayor will come forward and stand to the right of the Mayor.
3.4 The incoming Mayor will be asked by the Chief Executive to read aloud the Declaration of Acceptance of Office required by Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972. The Mayor will then sign the declaration and the Chief Executive will announce the fact to the Council.
3.5 The outgoing Mayor will shake the hand of the incoming Mayor and vacate the Mayoral Chair.
3.6 The entire company will rise and the National Anthem will be played.
3.7 The company remaining standing, the incoming Mayor will retire together with the outgoing Mayor and the platform party.
3.8 There will be an interval during which a short film will be played.
3.9 The Mayor's return will be announced and the company asked to rise. The Mayor will return. The company will remain standing while the outgoing Mayor is conducted to her seat.
3.10 The Mayor's installation speech.
3.11 At the conclusion, the Mayor will move "that the best thanks of the Council be accorded to Bronwen McGarrity for the manner in which she has carried out the office of Mayor during the past municipal year".
3.12 The Leader of the Executive will second the motion.
3.13 The outgoing Mayor will reply.
Minutes: It was moved by Cllr Michael Snelling and seconded by Cllr David Turner that -
Cllr William Alfred Lambert MBE TD be elected Mayor of the Borough for the 2010/11 municipal year.
It was resolved that Cllr William Alfred Lambert be duly elected Mayor of the Borough for the 2010/11 municipal year.
Cllr William Lambert then made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office required by Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972 and presented his acceptance speech. |
Vote of thanks to outgoing Mayor Minutes: It was moved by the Worshipful the Mayor and seconded by Cllr Michael Snelling that -
the best thanks of the Council be accorded to Cllr Bronwen McGarrity for the manner in which she carried out the office of Mayor for the past municipal year.
Cllr McGarrity suitably replied recalling the events attended over the past municipal year. |
Presentation of past Mayor's badge 4.1 The Mayor will announce that a past Mayor's Badge will be presented to the outgoing Mayor.
4.2 The Mayor will then present the past Mayor's Badge to the outgoing Mayor.
Minutes: The Worshipful the Mayor presented Cllr Bronwen McGarrity with a Past Mayor's badge. |
Appointment of Civic Chaplain The Mayor will announce the Civic Chaplain and invest the incumbent with the Civic Cross. Minutes: The Worshipful the Mayor stated that the Civic Chaplain would be the Rev Peter Rich and invested him with the Chaplain's cross. |
Deputy Mayor 6.1 The Mayor will call for nominations.
6.2 Members will vote by a show of hands on nominations. (Note: Candidates may vote).
6.3 The incoming Deputy Mayor will come forward and stand to the right of the Mayor.
6.4 The incoming Deputy Mayor will be asked by the Chief Executive to read aloud the Declaration of Acceptance of Office required by Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972. The Deputy Mayor will then sign the declaration and the Chief Executive will announce the fact to the Council.
6.5 The Mayor will place the Chain of Office on the incoming Deputy Mayor and shake his / her hand.
Minutes: It was moved by Cllr Michael Snelling and seconded by Cllr David Turner that -
Cllr Mick Wenban be appointed Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the municipal year 2010/11.
On being put to the vote it was resolved that Cllr Mick Wenban be appointed Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the municipal year 2010/11. Cllr Michael Wenban then made the Declaration of Acceptance required by Section 83 of the Local government Act 1972. |
The Mayor, having received the approval of the Council, will sign the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 27 April 2010. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 27 April 2010 were signed by the Mayor. |
To elect a Leader of the Executive and Deputy Leader of the Executive 9.1 The Mayor will call for nominations.
9.2 Members will vote by a show of hands on nominations. (Note: Candidates may vote).
Minutes: It was moved by Cllr David Turner and seconded by Cllr Adrian Warburton that -
Cllr Michael Snelling be elected as Leader of the Executive.
The motion was put to the meeting and declared to be carried.
It was moved by Cllr Michael Snelling and seconded by Cllr Adrian Warburton that -
Cllr David Turner be elected Deputy Leader of the Executive.
The motion was put to the meeting and declared to be carried. |
Cabinet To appoint a Cabinet, two of whom shall be the Leader of the Executive and the Deputy Leader of the Executive together with Lead Members. Minutes: It was moved by Cllr Michael Snelling and seconded by Cllr David Turner that -
the Cabinet comprise six Members and the following Cabinet Members were -
Cllrs: John Cubitt Laura Hryniewicz Anthony Pritchard Michael Snelling David Turner Adrian Warburton
The motion was put to the meeting and declared to be carried. |
To review the representation of political groups on committees 11.1 To review the representation of the political groups on the following:-
Regulatory Board Standards Committee Licensing Committee Finance and Audit Committee Overview Scrutiny Committee Appointments Board
11.2 Subject to the review, to determined the allocation of seats thereon to the political groups.
11.3 Subject to the Assistant Director (Communities) receiving notification of each group’s wishes in relation to the appointment of Members to those seats, to appoint the Council’s Committees as identified in 11.1 above.
Minutes: It was moved by Cllr Michael Snelling and seconded by Cllr David Turner that -
(1) Having reviewed the representation of the political groups on Council committees, that the allocation of seats thereon to the political groups be determined as follows:-
The Regulatory Board 10 Members
Conservative Group 6 seats Labour Group 4 seats
The Standards Committee 6 Members
Conservative Group 3 seats Labour Group 3 seats
The Licensing Committee 15 Members
Conservative Group 10 seats Labour Group 5 seats
The Finance and Audit Committee 7 Members
Conservative Group 4 seats Labour Group 3 seats
Overview Scrutiny Committee 10 Members
Conservative Group 6 seats Labour Group 4 seats
Appointments Board 12 Members
Conservative Group 7 seats Labour Group 5 seats
(2) each political group may appoint substitute members for all of the above committees, except the Standards Committee and the Appointments Board, in accordance with Procedural Rule 7.
(3) Mr Alan Rowe be appointed as a Parish Representative on the Standards Committee.
The motion was put to the meeting and declared to be carried. |
Appointment of Committees 12.1 To appoint Members and Substitutes to the Regulatory Board.
12.2 To appoint a Chairman and Vice-Chairman to the Regulatory Board. Minutes: It was moved by Cllr Michael Snelling and seconded by Cllr David Turner that -
(1) the Committees and Boards of the Council be appointed as set out below so as to give effect to the wishes of the political groups as notified to the Assistant Director (Communities) and that the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen be as shown:-
The Regulatory Board
Conservative Group (6 seats) Labour Group (4 seats)
Cllrs: H Craske (Chairman) Cllrs: J Burden R Theobald (Vice-Chairman) J Cribbon L Hills S Howes K Jones R Smith A Moore M Wenban
Subs. C Broadley Subs. R Bowman B McGarrity L Croxton P Oakeshott D Sales
The Standards Committee (no substitutes)
Conservative Group (3 seats) Labour Group (3 seats)
Cllrs: L Boycott Cllrs: J Caller D Hurley R Leadley D Turner J Loughlin
Licensing Committee
Conservative Group (10 seats) Labour Group (5 seats)
Cllrs: W Dyke (Chairman) Cllrs: R Bowman G Goatley (Vice-Chairman) C Caller H Craske J Loughlin J Cubitt D Sales G Handley R Smith L Hills W Lambert A Moore B Sweetland A Warburton
Subs. B McGarrity Subs. J Caller P Oakeshott L Milner M Snelling A Webb
Finance and Audit Committee
Conservative Group (4 seats) Labour Group (3 seats)
Cllrs: S Jassal (Chairman) Cllrs: J Burden D Shelbrooke (Vice-Chairman) R Leadley L Hills N Thandi D Marsh
Subs. L Boycott Subs. C Caller G Handley J Caller B Sweetland L Croxton
Overview Scrutiny Committee
Conservative Group (6 seats) Labour Group (4 seats)
Cllrs: A Moore (Vice-Chairman) Cllrs: J Burden (Chairman) W Dyke L Croxton G Goatley T Singh Dhesi L Hills M Singh D Shelbrooke R Theobald
Subs. H Craske Subs. R Bowman K Jones J Caller B McGarrity A Webb
Appointments Board
Conservative Group (7 seats) Labour Group (5 seats)
Cllrs: M Snelling (Chairman) Cllrs: J Burden D Turner (Vice-Chairman) C Caller J Cubitt J Cribbon W Dyke S Howes D Marsh A Webb B Sweetland A Warburton
Gravesham Joint Transportation Board
Conservative Group (3 seats) Labour Group (2 seats)
Cllrs: W Dyke (Vice-Chairman) Cllrs: C Caller L Boycott J Cribbon S Langdale |
Timetable of meetings PDF 19 KB To approve the timetable of meetings for the forthcoming municipal year. Minutes: It was moved by Cllr Michael Snelling and seconded by Cllr David Turner that -
the timetable of meetings for the 2010/11 municipal year be adopted subject to the inclusion of a meeting of the Standards Committee on 20 May 2010.
The motion was put to the meeting and declared to be carried. |
Representatives on Outside Bodies PDF 16 KB To make appointments to the outside bodies. Minutes: It was moved by Cllr Michael Snelling and seconded by Cllr David Turner that -
(1) appointments to outside bodies be made in accordance with the following list:-
Action with Communities in Rural Kent
Councillors A Moore and J Burden
Alpha Foundation
Councillors D Turner and J Burden
Building Control Joint Committee
Councillor M Snelling, W Dyke (substitute)
Citizens Advice Bureau
Councillors G Goatley, L Hills, K Jones and Mrs Jean Christie
Closed Circuit Television Lay Panel of Visitors
Councillors H Craske, G Handley and L Milner B McGarrity (substitute), D Sales (substitute) and A Warburton (substitute)
Dartford & Gravesham Council for Voluntary Service Management Committee
Councillor L Hills
Dartford & Gravesham Women's Aid
Councillor B McGarrity
Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley MENCAP Ltd
Councillor W Lambert
Elizabeth Huggins Cottages Charity
Councillor W Dyke and Mr C Meredith
Gravesend Age Concern
Councillors P Oakeshott and B McGarrity
Gravesham Community Leisure Limited
Councillors M Snelling and D Turner
Gravesham District Partnership Group
Councillor R Bowman
Gravesend Regatta Committee
Councillors B McGarrity and Mrs H Skellorn and Mr R Target
Gravesend Society for Mentally Handicapped Children
Councillor J Caller and Mr F Marven
Gravesham Access Group
Councillor P Oakeshott
Gravesham Arts Council Executive Committee
Councillors R Bowman, G Goatley and P Oakeshott
Gravesham Rights of Way Committee
Councillors C Broadley, L Croxton and B McGarrity
Groundwork Kent and Medway
Councillor J Cubitt
K.C.C. Termly or Education Briefings
Councillor L Boycott
KentCounty Playing Fields Association
Councillor W Lambert
Kent Partnership
Councillor M Snelling Local Government Association Urban and Rural Commissions
Councillor H Craske
Local Government Information Unit
Councillor M Snelling
Meopham Community Sports and Leisure Association Management Committee
Councillors J Caller and M Snelling
Miracles Youth Centre
Councillor D Shelbrooke
National Society for Clean Air
Councillors J Caller, L Croxton, A Moore and R Theobald
Northfleet Age Concern
Councillors J Burden and H Craske
Northfleet Charities: Diamond Jubilee Fund
Mr W Cook
North Kent Crime Prevention Panel
Councillor J Cubitt
North Kent Relate
Councillor B McGarrity
Police Community Liaison Group
Councillors J Cubitt, S Jassal* and Andrea Webb * To vote on behalf of the Council.
South East Employers
Councillor D Turner
South East England Partnership Board
Councillor M Snelling
St Andrews Arts Centre Management Committee
Councillors H Craske and S Langdale
Town Twinning Association
Councillors P Oakeshott and M Singh
West Kent Area Access Forum
Councillor P Oakeshott
The motion was put to the meeting and declared to be carried. |