Agenda and minutes
Most Council meetings can be viewed on the Council’s YouTube channel. You can watch them live or view previous recordings.
Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend DA12 1AU. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Cllr Christina Rolles and Cllr Tony Rana. Cllr Sarah Gow and Cllr John Caller attended as their respective substitutes. |
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 3 June 2021 were signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Cllr Shane Mochrie-Cox declared an other interest in agenda Item 9. Corporate Performance Report: Q1 2021-22 as he is a Council appointee on Gravesham Community Leisure Limited (GCLL) and The Gr@nd CIC.
Cllr Peter Scollard declared an other interest in agenda Item 9. Corporate Performance Report: Q1 2021-22 as he is a Council appointee on Gravesham Community Leisure Limited (GCLL). Cllr Peter Scollard declared an other interest in agenda Item 8. Corporate Register of Partnership – July 2021 and as he is a Council appointee on North West Kent Volunteer Centre
Cllr John Caller declared an interest as he is a Council appointee on Meopham Community Sport and Leisure Association Management Committee. |
Arts & Culture Strategy Update PDF 92 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Cultural Manager provided Members of the Committee with a report of the cultural activity that has taken place since the ratification of A Creative Gravesham - An Arts and Culture Strategy in September 2020.
A Creative Gravesham – An Arts and Culture Strategy was ratified in September 2020 including the delivery plan for the first year of the strategy. The strategy identified 5 priorities
The Cultural Manager highlighted the following:
Following questions from the Committee; the Cultural Manager highlighted the following:
Members noted the information contained in the report that the paper is recognised as a reflection of the activity that has taken place and the plans and actions are approved for 22/23
Community Engagement Strategy Action Plan PDF 79 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Community Involvement Officer updated Members of the Committee progress against the Community Engagement Strategy.
In February 2021, the Community Engagement Strategy was adopted. The strategy set out 4 main objectives:
· Being a Listening Council · Empowering Residents and Communities · Supporting Community Organisations · Building Cohesive Communities
The Community Involvement Officer highlighted the following:
· Work has taken place with the Communications Team regarding the publication of a programme of public consultation. · A protocol is being developed for how the council uses and actions the results of community feedback. · Improved promotion of how to contact the council and your local councillors is being considered. · Engagement with the Parish Councils is an integral part of the council’s engagement strategy. · Implementation and development of the Street Champions, of which there are 186 volunteers. This has proved very popular over the lockdown. · A number of litter pick events have taken place involving local Councillors. · The Council is developing processes for the public to engage with the council building during the pandemic but also recognising the digital divide. · The Council is investigating other ways of managing face to face interactions. · Local services have pulled together to create good partnership working including VCS networking events. · Development is underway of an online community organisation and representative database.
Following questions from the Committee; the following areas were raised:
· A thank you for the 186 Street Champions had been planned for March 2020 but due to COVID that could not take place. Gravesham would still like to host an event to say thank you.
The Community and Leisure Cabinet Committee noted the report and updated action plan.
Equalities Policies and Action Plan Update PDF 88 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Community Involvement Officer updated Members of the Committee with the progress of the Equalities Policy, Objectives and Action Plan. In February 2021, the council’s Equalities Policy, Objectives and Action Plan was adopted. The policy sets out two main objectives and four themes. The objectives are: · Understanding our communities and workforce and how people could be disadvantaged or discriminated against because of a protected characteristic.
The actions are themed as follows: · Understanding and working with our communities · Leadership and organisational commitment · Responsive services and customer care · Diverse and engaged council
Following questions from the Committee; the Community Involvement Officer and the Service Manager (Town Centre and Cultural Services highlighted the following:
The Community & Leisure Cabinet Committee noted the report.
Extract from the Register of Partnerships and Shared Service PDF 90 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Assistant Director (Communities) updated Members of the Committee on the council’s involvement in partnerships that are within the remit of the committee. There are currently 9 partnerships that work directly with the committee:
Following questions from the Committee; the Assistant Director (Communities) highlighted the following:
The Community & Leisure Cabinet Committee noted the report.
Corporate Performance Report: Q1 2021-22 PDF 85 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee were provided with an update against the Performance Management Framework, as introduced within the Council’s Corporate Plan, for Quarter One 2021-22 (April to June 2021).
The Assistant Director (Communities) guided Members through the report and gave a brief overview of each Policy Commitment.
Following questions from the Committee; the Assistant Director (Communities) highlighted the following:
Members noted the information contained within the report.