Agenda and minutes
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Venue: Virtually - Microsoft Teams. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: No apologies for absence were received.
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 04 June 2020 were signed by the Chair.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were made.
Introduction from the Chair Minutes: The Chair welcomed Lee Georgiou - Service Manager (Housing Options), who joined the Council just last week and Lee Morson Project Manager (Housing Services), who joined the Council six weeks ago.
The Chair also advised Members that the Committee would be welcoming Jodie Bulman - Service Manager (Housing Landlord Services) next month when she took up her post. .
The Chair read the following statement to the Committee:
‘Just before we go the Minutes of the last meeting, I would like to draw Members' attention to the fact that the Housing Allocations policy is not on the agenda.
However, by way of an up-date, following COVID-19 the consultation date has not long closed and, as you know, Housing Services has gone through a positive senior management structural change. Lee Georgiou has just joined us and the Allocations policy will very much be within Lee's remit. We would like to benefit fully from his expertise and knowledge in this field - and we therefore need to ensure that Lee has time to properly review the Policy prior to its submission to our Committee.
This will all work towards ensuring we have an excellent, user- friendly Allocations policy to put before the Housing Cabinet Committee in December, ready to launch in 2021.
You may also recall that at the June meeting I said that we want to use this policy as the basis for a training session for all Members. Subject to what the Government Covid-19 guidelines will be stating at the time - and our own Council's timetable - I hope that we will be able to do such a training session in the first half of next year.’
Corporate Performance Report: Quarter 1 2020/21 PDF 86 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee was presented with an update against the Performance Management Framework, as introduced within the Council’s Corporate Plan, for Quarter One 2020-21 (April to June 2020).
The Assistant Director (Housing) guided Members through the report and gave a detailed update against each of the below Policy Commitments:
1. Deliver an ambitious and diverse programme of building 2. Enforce a high quality of private housing 3. Provide a proactive, supportive and financially efficient housing service 4. Safeguard residents 5. Deliver a skilled in-house building management team
The Chair thanked the Assistant Director (Housing) for an informative update and asked that her thanks be passed down to the team for their excellent work through a tough quarter.
The Assistant Director (Housing) fielded questions from the Committee and explained that:
Cllr Lyn Milner asked that her thanks be noted and passed to the Housing Teams for their hard work during the pandemic including the safe way they conducted themselves and the public when they visited resident’s properties wearing masks and socially distancing etc.
Several Members of the Committee expressed concern over the layout of the policy commitments as they were formatted over a small part of the page which made it hard to read on the iPad as well as the hard copies. The Committee asked that in the future the entire page was used for the graphs and associated information.
Presentation - Update on New Housing Management System PDF 885 KB Minutes: The IT Project Manager (Housing System) provided the Committee with a presentation that updated them on the new Housing Management System.
The presentation was published and could be found through the following link:
The Chair thanked the IT Project Manager (Housing System) for an informative presentation and expressed hope that a similar presentation that explained the work of the Service Delivery Manager (Housing Repairs) team would also be brought to the Committee in the future.
At the Chairs request, the Assistant Director (Housing) gave an overview of the existing Housing Management System and further information regarding the purchase of the new system to Members:
The Assistant Director (Housing) fielded questions from the Committee and explained that:
Updated Repair Policies - Repairs and Maintenance Policy and Rechargeable Repairs Policy PDF 92 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee were informed of the updates to the Repairs & Maintenance Policy and Rechargeable Repairs Policy.
The Service Delivery Manager (Housing Repairs) guided Members through the report, explaining the current state of the two policies, the reasons for the proposed changes and the full list of changes to the two policies which could be seen at 3.1 and 3.2 of the report.
The Chair thanked the Service Delivery Manager (Housing Repairs) for a comprehensive introduction and praised the concise way in which the changes to the two policies had been laid out in the report.
The Service Delivery Manager (Housing Repairs) fielded questions from the Committee and explained that:
Several concerns were expressed by Members:
In response to the first concern, the Chair responded that that the team had to be very careful with the wording due to the responsibility that would stem from a commitment but the Chair agreed to take ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |
DSO Building Management Annual Report 2019/20 PDF 78 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee were provided with the DSO Building Management Annual Report which was intended to give Members easy to understand, key information about the performance of DSO Building Management and outlined what had been done in many important areas across the service between April 2019 and March 2020 to ensure the Councils properties were kept warm, safe and well maintained.
The Service Delivery Manage guided Members through the report highlighting key figures from the following sections:
The Vice-Chair praised the excellent report and the Committee echoed that thanks be given to the officers for their hard work throughout the year which was clearly evidenced from the figures in the report.
Following several questions surrounding the social value aspect of the report, the Assistant Director (Housing) advised that:
The Committee noted the information contained within the report. |