Agenda and minutes
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Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend DA12 1AU. View directions
Contact: Committee Section
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Lyn Milner and Ejaz Alam. Councillors Tony Rana and David Beattie attended as their substitutes.
Minutes: Members highlighted two points from the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 5 June 2024, in which clarification was sought:
The Assistant Director (Social Housing) advised that in respect of the MEES Policy, work was underway with a stock condition survey, which would be shared with Committee once completed. The Rent Deposit Scheme Policy would be brought back to the next Housing Services Cabinet Committee Meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 5 June 2024 were signed by the Chair.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made.
Allocations Scheme Update Presentation PDF 663 KB Minutes: The Committee were presented with the annual review of the Housing Allocation Scheme. The presentation can be viewed via the following link: (Public Pack)Supplementary Document – Presentations Agenda Supplement for Housing Services Cabinet Committee, 11/09/2024 19:30
The Head of Housing Solutions ran through the presentation and highlighted that:
· Local Authorities were required to publish a Housing Allocation Scheme, setting out the council’s priorities for social housing along with the guidelines which determined eligibility to social housing. · A number of amendments had been made to the policy including some new additions to the Housing Allocations Scheme. The new aspects of the policy were: o Move on from supported accommodation o Deliberately worsening of housing circumstances o Victims and survivors of domestic abuse o Care Leavers o Temporary Housing Support o Pitches for gypsies and travellers. · The amendments had been delegated to the Director (Housing) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and the updated policy would be published on the Council’s website from September 2024.
The Chair invited Member questions:
· Members noted that a copy of the presentation would have been useful before the meeting. · Members sought clarity on what was meant by deliberately worsening of housing circumstances. The Head of Housing Solutions explained that deliberately worsening housing circumstance could include tenants being evicted from their homes due to rent arrears, contributing to their own eviction, or privately renting tenants who have given up larger properties and moved into smaller accommodation, purposely to obtain a higher banding for council housing. · Members queried the new process for traveller site allocation. It was explained that the new section of the policy outlined how pitches where prioritised, such as if family members were already living on the site, other family members would have priority. · The Committee requested more information on care leavers and how these were determined for housing. The Head of Housing solutions advised that care leavers were young people aged between 18 and 21 years old, who were being supported by Social Services and were now ready to move on from their placements. · Members noted that under this guidance, care leavers were not required to have resided in Gravesham for 3 years or more and queried if this was in line with national guidance. The Committee were advised the system was Kent wide with the team working closely with Social Services. The team would always look at any family ties to the area and work with social services and young people as early as 6 month prior to move on. Care leavers would be those who fell under the remit of Kent County Council. Members were interested to hear about the initiative to reduce reliance on temporary accommodation and wondered if further information could be provided. The Assistant Director (Social Housing) added that this is a pilot initiative and would share the findings with the Committee once there were outcomes of the pilot.
The Committee noted the presentation.
2024/25 Quarter 1 Compliance Dashboard PDF 1 MB Minutes: The Committee were presented with the 2024/25 Quarter 1 Compliance Dashboard. The Council’s housing assets team managed the occupation, refurbishment and maintenance of the council’s residential properties and were therefore responsible for the safety of residents under the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Housing Act, the Fire Safety and Building Safety Act and other associated legislation.
The Head of Housing Assets explained that the Compliance Dashboard will be presented to the Housing Services Cabinet Committee on a quarterly basis and formally documented the Councils compliance and position with the associated compliance work programmes.
The Building Safety Manager gave a summary of the report explaining that the dashboard covered the big six asset safety risks which were fire, gas, legionella, asbestos, lifts and electrical. Members were informed that due to recent legislation the dashboard had now been updated to also include damp and mould plus property energy and performance. The Building Safety Manager gave an overview on each element of the dashboard and the work that had been carried out.
The Chair invited Member questions:
Outturn of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures PDF 669 KB Minutes: The Committee were provided with a presentation on the Outturn of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures. The presentation can be viewed via the following link: (Public Pack)Supplementary Document - Presentations Agenda Supplement for Housing Services Cabinet Committee, 11/09/2024 19:30
The Head of Neighbourhood Services ran through the presentation and highlighted that:
o Overall satisfaction o Repairs and maintenance o Safety checks o Communication o Complaint handling o Tenant involvement
The Chair invited Member questions:
Corporate Performance Report: Q1 2024-25 PDF 148 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee were presented with the Corporate Performance: Quarter One 2024-25. The purpose of the report was to present Members of the Housing Services Cabinet Committee with an update against the Performance Management Framework, as introduced within the Council’s Corporate Plan, for Quarter One 2024-25 (April to June 2024).
The Assistant Director (Social Housing) outlined the report was overall positive and covered key areas from the report:
The Chair invited Member questions and comments:
The Committee noted the report.
Corporate Register of Partnership - July 2024 PDF 341 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee were presented with the Corporate Register of Partnership – July 2024. The purpose of the report was to inform Members of the Housing Services Committee of the Council’s involvement in partnerships that were within the remit of the committee.
The Assistant Director (Social Housing) outlined the key partnerships:
The Chair invited Member Questions:
The committee noted the report.