Agenda and minutes
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Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend DA12 1AU. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies of absence were received from Cllr Leslie Hills, Cllr Dakota Dibben and Cllr Emma Morley. Cllr Jordan Meade, Cllr Gary Harding and Cllr Lyn Milner acted as their respective substitutes.
Apologies of absence were also received from the Service Manager (Planning) and the Senior Economic Development Officer.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Strategic Environment Cabinet Committee held on Monday, 27 September 2021 were signed by the Chair
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were made.
Economic Development Strategy PDF 95 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee were provided with a report on the activity undertaken to promote the draft Economic Growth Strategy and feedback received from businesses and residents.
The Committee were directed to appendix three to the report which held the draft Economic Growth Strategy for Gravesham 2019-23.
The Assistant Director (Communities) informed Members that the objective in consulting on the Economic Growth Strategy was to seek opinion from a broad range of community and business stakeholders; to receive their input to the finalised strategy document but also to engage their longer-term interest in action planning for the seven key themes. The response levels to the consultation were disappointing, despite use of a range of media to consult, and it was a challenge to get business users to engage them on the issue and the Assistant Director (Communities) was unsure as to why that is so.
However, the feedback that was received was helpful and was summarised on age 13 of the report. The Assistant Director (Communities) assured Members that the comments received would be taken on board and used to amend the Strategy.
The Committee would be brought regular updates on the actions laid out within the Strategy.
In response to Members questions, the Assistant Director (Communities) and the Assistant Director (Planning) explained that:
Kent Design Guide Consultation The consultation is being run online by KCC and is available at and the Kent Design Guide is available at as an interactive website.
Minutes: The Committee were informed that the consultation was being run online by KCC and was available at and the Kent Design Guide was available at as an interactive website.
The Assistant Director (Planning) gave Members an overview of the consultation and outlined the key points concerning the Kent Design Guide.
The Assistant Director (Planning) advised that the consultation was due to finish on 17 January 2022 and Members could request for more generalised comments to be submitted to the consultation if they wished.
In response to Members questions, the Assistant Director (Planning) explained that:
Draft Planning Enforcement Strategy PDF 88 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee were presented with the draft Planning Enforcement Strategy and their views were sought.
Members made the following comments regarding reporting a Planning breach through the website:
· The current method of reporting a Planning breach on the Councils website was clunky and needed to be amended to become more efficient and simplified. · There should a be a single link on the front page of the website that, when clicked, took the user straight to the page where they could report planning breaches · The form itself asked for the users details before it asked for the details of the breach and there was nothing on the form to inform users that their details would be completely protected. A passage needed to be included telling the user that their details would be protected, not shared with anyone else and used only if absolutely necessary · The form layout should be amended to ask for the potential planning breach details first and then take the personal details last; users were more likely to give their personal details if they had already filled out the rest of the form
In response to Members concerns/comments the Assistant Director (Planning) explained that:
· The Council had recently moved to a new website provider and the Digital Team were spending a lot of time looking at accessibility and wayfaring; a meeting was held the other day with the Digital Team and Planning Enforcement and one of the first questions asked what was the three key areas that should be located in three buttons at the top of Planning Enforcement Page · The three areas deemed most important were around pre-planning application advice, looking for active planning applications and reporting a planning breach. Advice was also being sought from the officers in teams that dealt with people first hand and those officers that dealt with people through the contact centre in order to gather more information that would make the website more helpful to the public · With regards to the reporting process for planning breaches, the Assistant Director (Planning) agreed to review the form and take Members comments on board. However, someone reporting a breach had to give their personal details on the form otherwise their complaint couldn’t be accepted; the current confidentiality and privacy statement was clear about what was done with personal details. The Assistant Director (Planning) advised that there were a few issues with data sharing and representation but agreed to look into what could be done make it more clearer to the public what the Council did with their details
Following further comments and questions regarding the draft Planning Enforcement Strategy, the Assistant Director (Planning) advised that:
· COU was an acronym and stood for ‘change of use’ · It was planned to create a one page document written from the perspective of Cllr Sullivan that summarised the Planning Enforcement Strategy laying out what breaches the Council would enforce and what the Council wouldn’t enforce. The document would be written up using simple, easy to read language and ... view the full minutes text for item 87. |
Corporate Performance Report Q2 PDF 86 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee was presented with an update against the Performance Management Framework, as introduced within the Council’s Corporate Plan, for Quarter Two 2021-22 (July to September 2021).
The Assistant Director (Planning) directed Members to appendix two to the report which provided Members with a statistical overview of the Council’s performance against each performance indicator for quarter two.
The Chair thanked the officers for a detailed report.