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Kent and Medway Police & Crime Panel

This page lists the meetings for Kent and Medway Police & Crime Panel.

No Kent and Medway Police & Crime Panel meetings are available for browsing.

Information about Kent and Medway Police & Crime Panel

The Kent and Medway Police and Crime Panel (PCP) is a Joint Committee of Kent County Council, Medway Council and the twelve District Councils in Kent. The Panel has been established to scrutinise and maintain a check and balance on the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). Although the Panel has no direct control over the PCC it can require the Commissioner to attend public meetings, provide information and it can review and make comments on the draft Police and Crime Plan and expenditure proposals. The Panel has power to review and veto the precept proposed by the PCC, review and veto a decision to appoint a Chief Constable and review (but not veto) the appointment of various other staff in the office of the PCC.


Please use the following link for meetings and agendas for this Committee:


Please use this link for further documents relating to this Committee including annual reports from the Police and Crime Panel:-