Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.


Information about Cabinet

The Cabinet is the part of the Council which is responsible for most day-to-day decisions. In particular, it proposes the policy framework and budget to the Council and then carries on the work of the Council within the approved framework and budget. The Cabinet is also the focus for community planning and leads the search for best value.


The Council has adopted the 'Leader and Cabinet' system.


The Cabinet is appointed by the Leader of the Executive. The Cabinet is normally drawn from the majority political party group on the Council.


The Leader of the Executive allocates specific roles and responsibilities to Members of the Cabinet. These roles and responsibilities are referred to as 'portfolios'.


Decisions of the Cabinet can be reached collectively (i.e. by all Cabinet Members) or individually (i.e. each individual Cabinet Member is given decision-making powers of their own).


Decisions of the Cabinet, and the reasons for those decisions, are recorded and made publicly available.


The current Cabinet comprises six Members.


There are five Cabinet Committees. Each Committee will make recommendations to the relevant Cabinet Member as to determining any matters within their remit.


Cllr John Burden is the Leader of the Executive and the Deputy Leader is Cllr Shane Mochrie-Cox.  


The Cabinet Portfolios are as follows:-

Leader - Councillor John Burden

·       Finance

·       Legal Services

·       Communications

·       Digital

·       IT Services

·       Property Services

·       Human Resources

·       Car Parking

·       Customer Services

·       Emergency Planning

·       Special Projects

·       Commercial Activities

·       Property Investment

·       Climate Change

·       Community Safety

Strategic Environment Portfolio - Councillor Shane Mochrie-Cox (Deputy Leader)

·       Development Management

·       Building Control

·       Environmental Management

·       Conservation

·       Planning Policy

Operational Services Portfolio - Councillor Emma Morley

·       Waste & Horticulture

·       Street Cleaning

·       Cemeteries

·       Environmental Health

·       Health & Safety

·       Licensing

Housing Services Portfolio - Councillor Karina O’Malley

·       Social Housing

·       Repairs

·       Housing Strategy & Development

·       Housing Provision

·       Private Sector Housing

·       Rented Sector Housing

·       Affordable Homes

Community & Leisure Portfolio - Councillor Deborah Croxton

·       Sport Development

·       Economic Development

·       GCLL

·       The Woodville

·       Community Engagement

·       Gr@nd

·       Arts, Heritage and Tourism

·       Market

·       Town Twinning

Performance and Administration Portfolio - Councillor Narinderjit Thandi

·       Revenue & Benefits

·       Corporate Performance

·       Audit and Counter Fraud

·       Corporate Change

·       Information Governance

·       Corporate Governance