Agenda item
IT Infrastructure Update
- Meeting of Performance and Administration Cabinet Committee, Thursday, 2 February 2017 7.30 pm (Item 41.)
- View the background to item 41.
The Service Manager (IT) presented the Committee with a Report detailing progress made on the IT infrastructure update. He advised that there had been a Member Training Session to provide information and this report contained some of the same material. In particular he drew Councillors’ attention to the following developments:
· The last legacy database had now been migrated to a modern platform.
· The appointment of a Local Land and Property Gazetteer Officer (LLPG) had improved the quality of data recorded and approximately 85% of addresses were now up to date. In practise this meant inconsistencies had been resolved and inaccuracies identified and corrected. This enabled the data to be used for business process automation as detailed in the report. He noted that the remaining 15% of data represented more complex cases and would take longer to correct and update.
· Problems with had been resolved. The program had been moved to a new server and had identified a problem and provided a fix. The issue had been confined to offsite users/iPads.
· The project to replace the existing two card payment systems was underway. The new provider could facilitate more methods of payments – Customer Service staff could be provided with tablets which would free up the kiosks for cash payments; payment via mobile phones; the ability to set up recurring card payments; text messaging reminders. There were some audit compliance requirements to meet but it was hoped to go live in March.
Members were concerned about the security of data and Data Protection compliance especially with regard to the adoption of Cloud Services. SMIT assured the Committee that Cloud Providers had to provide services compliant with EU data protection requirements. Before any data could be transferred a privacy impact assessment would be undertaken.
The Chair asked about the live chat on website, cost of implementation and usage. SMIT advised that this was open source software which is provided licence free to the Council. The live chat was available only when a Customer Service Agent was free to facilitate the chat but prevented unnecessary telephone calls.
The Chair further enquired if the work of the LLPG included recording of grass and soft landscaping areas and identifying the agency responsible for maintenance. SMIT explained that this task was not within the remit of the LLPG but Officers at Brookvale had set up a GIS System and loaded KCC data regarding maintenance. The information previously held in hard copy was therefore now digitised and would be available to assist with enquiries. Errors in the data would be corrected as necessary.
The Committee noted the loss of IT was potentially one of the greatest risks to the operation of GBC services. SMIT advised members that should GBC lose the ability to operate out of any of its buildings the Cloud Systems would be beneficial as the new payment system was to be Cloud-based and would therefore still be operational. Other systems are backed up via offsite arrangements and a new facility at the Kent and Medway Data Centre via the Kent Public Service Network. Configuration would take time but would be much more efficient than trying to replace like for like. In response to a member’s question about a major fire SMIT reassured the Committee that the backup data was stored off site.
The Chair enquired if the new card payment system would be used in the Market and was informed that this would be implemented. The new system would provide greater flexibility and security and staff would be trained both when it was implemented and with ongoing requirements as necessary.
With regard to the increased use of Social Media by the Council the Chair noted the need for Member Training in this area.
The Committee noted the information contained within the report.
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