Agenda item
Corporate Performance Update – Quarter Two 2018-19 (July – September 2018)
- Meeting of Performance and Administration Cabinet Committee, Thursday, 15 November 2018 7.30 pm (Item 35.)
- View the background to item 35.
To present Members of the Performance and
Administration Committee with an update against the Performance
Management Framework, as set out within the council’s
Corporate Plan 2015-19, for Quarter Two 2018-19 (July –
September 2018).
The Corporate Performance Manager presented an update against the Performance Management Framework, as set out in the Council’s Corporate Plan 2015-19, for Quarter 2 2018/19 (July to September 2018). The report presents a suite of performance measures and indicators that directly relate to the Performance and Administration portfolio and the associated policy commitments detailed in the Council’s adopted Corporate Plan 2015-19.
Members were advised that this was a progress report and that three Performance Measures had missed their targets for the quarter and the narrative explained the background to this. However, it was noted that the measures were all within National and County averages.
2. Quality frontline services delivered on time and to the right people.
Performance Measure 11 – Average Time taken to Process Housing Benefit/Council Tax New Claims (days)
The Service Manager (Revenues & Benefits) advised that concern had previously been expressed in relation to Performance Measures 11 and 12. However, National measures related to Housing Benefit only whereas Council statistics related to Housing and Council Tax Reduction as follows:
September 14.7
15.2 days
15.1 days
This had been a dramatic turnaround especially taking into consideration the need to train new benefits officers.
The Assistant Revenues & Benefits Manager advised that the figures shown were joint figures and Housing Benefit claims were currently being processed in 19.8days. Processes had been put in place that worked to the strengths and weaknesses of officers making the process more efficient. It was hoped that the service would achieve its targets by the fourth quarter.
The following comments were made in relation to the above and Benefits performance indicators:
• It was noted that what had been achieved by the trainees was impressive especially given the complexity of the work involved. The Apprenticeship Levy would be used to offer the trainees the possibility of undertaking an appropriate qualification.
• Members were advised that the introduction of Universal Credit had initially caused concern and some officers had left the Council. However since the delay of the migration date, the Assistant Revenues & Benefits Manager had worked to increase morale. It was also intended to train officers to provide them with skills to work on other teams.
• Councillors noted that as the housing benefits disappears existing staff with the correct knowledge would work on this whilst new staff would be trained to work on the new systems.
3. Work to maximise income collection through the robust management and recovery of debts owed to the Council.
Performance Measure 9 – Percentage of Council Tax Collected
Performance Measure 10 – Percentage of NNDR Collected
It was noted that Council Tax collection was on target but NNDR was not. However performance fluctuated from month to month and Members appreciated it was the final outturn figure that was important.
Performance Indicator 42 – Total Amount of Housing Benefit Overpayments Raised
The Service Manager (Revenues & Benefits) advised that, as previously discussed, the indicators had been changed from percentage measurement to monetary values which had proved more accurate. As a result of the introduction of Universal Credit, the Council no longer needed a Court Order to find out if an applicant was in employment. The DWP now gave local authorities this information on request.
The Chair thanked Revenues and Benefits staff for all their hard work.
4. Deliver on opportunities for the sharing and selling of council services.
The Corporate Performance Manager stated that the 6% figure equated to 28 shared service posts within GBC. As part of the ‘Bridging the Gap’ activity MT would continue to analyse services and identify potential opportunities for services to be shared in the future. The new shared Licensing Service, led by Mark Lees – Regulatory Services Manager, and hosted by the Borough Council, was scheduled to become live on 1 January 2019 and would have a positive impact on the future outturns for PI 45 - % of posts involved in shared service arrangements.
5. Continuously review and adapt how we deliver our services to achieve financial efficiencies and improved performance.
As at budget setting 2017/18, the Council was facing a funding gap of £2.9m by 2019/20 from the reduction in central government grant. In response, the Corporate Performance Manager highlighted that the ‘Bridging the Gap’ strategy had been put in place to address the shortfall and that, of the total, £2.1m had already been delivered and reflected in the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan through the key activities of the strategy. Through various pressures, there was now an additional £1m at least to be saved which would see the meeting of Cabinet in November presented with a report detailing a variety of options to consider to address the budget challenge. Details of the report and what was agreed would be reported back to the next meeting of the Performance/Administration Cabinet Committee.
Resolved that the report be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Corporate Performance Update – Quarter Two 2018-19 (July – September 2018), item 35. PDF 100 KB
- 2. P&A Committee - Q2 2018-19 - Appendix 2.pdf, item 35. PDF 852 KB