Agenda item
Gravesham Local Cycling and Walking Implementation Plan
The Committee were provided with a presentation from consultants P J Associates (PJA) which gave an overview of the Local Cycling and Walking Implementation Plan (LCWIP) process. Members had an opportunity during the meeting to input their ideas and issues at the start of the plan preparation process.
The full presentation can be accessed through the following link:
In 2017 the Department for Transport (DfT) developed the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) process to help government identify a pipeline of schemes that could be realised in future through capital funding to local authorities. PJA assisted with this and are also helping with the refresh of the LCWIP guidance with the DfT, identifying opportunities to update and expand the guidance which should be complete by late 2022.
LCWIPs provide a long-term approach to developing local cycling and walking networks usually over a 10 year period. LCWIPs are intended to assist local authorities identify prioritised cycling and walking infrastructure improvements, ensure consideration is given to cycling and walking within both local planning and transport policies and strategies and make the case for future funding.
Following a tour of the borough last week consultants will now engage with a whole range of interested parties including walking groups, cycling groups and Parish Councils across the borough. The programme will end in August/September. The timeline is determined by the Department for Transport (via KCC) funding.
There are 6 stages to the project and we are currently in the preliminary Stages 1/2. Key at this stage is data collection, hearing ideas, looking at what is going on in the borough, understanding the demand for walking and cycling activity and to understand wider movement trends in Gravesham. Stages 3 and 4 are network planning, identifying preferred cycling network and core walking routes using audit tools. Stages 5 and 6 are prioritising improvements to enable development of a phased programme for investment and integrating outputs into the final LCWIP report.
Following the presentation and questions from Members the following was highlighted:
· We need to take our local heritage on board when looking at routes
· We need to knit together what we currently have with our aspirations to improve connectivity along the borough
· We need complimentary routes
· although the bulk of the demand is in the urban area it is a strategy for the whole Borough
· This process will highlight issues of connectivity (or lack of)
· Stage 6 is implementing the results of the agreed strategy, so not part of the commission, which will require endorsement from KCC as the Transport Authority.
· Designs will champion best practice so routes such as the canal don’t become more sanitised
· In terms of risk of delivery, public rights of way is something that will need to be flagged up
· Parishes have a role in the detail for their areas
· Many people want to get into the rural area for cycling/walking so it should be an important element
· PJA are aware the landscape of each authority is very different and with the Lower Thames Crossing and London Resort projects we will need to work through those developments and work with what we know and schemes going on already around Ebbsfleet to make sure that it is compatible
· There was a lack of consultation and joined-up thinking on the cycle lane in the town centre which hasn’t been a success. We need to ensure there is consultation with other agencies such as schools, the Thames & Medway Canal Association and local councillors who all know their area better.
· Important that Members help to shape the future for Gravesham. As a borough we are unique and we need to look at better connectivity across the whole borough, rural and urban
Supporting documents:
- 220607 Report SECC on LCWIP, item 106. PDF 118 KB
- 220620_Gravesham committee presentation, item 106. PDF 4 MB