Agenda item

Member Induction Programme/Member Training 2024/25


that the draft Member Training and Development Plan for 2024/25 be approved taking into account the comments and suggestions made by the Cabinet as well as the Overview Scrutiny Committee.


The Committee Services Officer presented the Cabinet with the feedback received on the Member Induction Programme for 2023 together with the draft training plan for 2024/25 and highlighted the following key points:-


·         a total of 28 sessions were held with details of the attendance outlined at section 2.2 and in appendix one of the report – the overall percentage of attendance was 29.2%;

·         appendix two of the report detailed the feedback received after each individual session and it was felt that this was overall positive;

·         appendix three of the report outlined the feedback received from the questionnaire that was sent to Members regarding the Induction Programme overall. Again, it was felt that this was positive. Where Members had suggested additional sessions or amendments, these had been implemented into the plan for 2024/25 where practicable;

·         the draft training plan was based on the approach that had been taken previously;

·         it was proposed that the minimum 10-Member requirement before proceeding with a session be reinstated;

·         the training library will be kept up to date with training presentations and potentially with recorded sessions should all attendees be supportive of the sessions being recorded; and

·         Members will continue to have access to e-learning material which was provided within the welcome booklet and will be presented with any further online training and development tools.


Members were informed that additional briefing sessions would also be arranged, as required, when legislation changes etc.


The Committee Services Officer advised that the Overview Scrutiny Committee considered the draft training plan for 2024/25 at its meeting on Thursday 04 January 2023; the plan was endorsed and it was agreed to be passed to the Cabinet for approval. The Committee put forward a number of suggestions as detailed in section 6 of the report for consideration by the Cabinet.


The Cabinet commended the 2023 Member Induction Programme however expressed concern regarding the low attendance figures and also requested that when negative feedback following an internal and/or external training session is received then this be reported to the lead officer so that consideration can be given to that feedback when arranging future sessions; the Cabinet stated that a few sessions were poor.


It was stated that it was important for both long-standing and newly-elected Members to attend the training on offer as the sessions will keep all Members up to date on legislative and/or procedural changes. It was requested that the Group Leaders be kept regularly informed on attendance and that the minimum 10-Member requirement, in order for a session to proceed, be reinstated.


The Cabinet was also supportive of virtual training sessions being recorded so that they can be uploaded to the training library for future reference.


In relation to training and/or briefing session(s) on the development of the Local Plan, it was unknown at this stage when progress will recommence on the Local Plan so training will be arranged once known/at a suitable time.


It was requested that a further training session on Equalities and Cohesion be include within the 2024/25 plan.


Resolved that the draft Member Training and Development Plan for 2024/25 be approved taking into account the comments and suggestions made by the Cabinet as well as the Overview Scrutiny Committee.


Supporting documents: