Agenda item
Tourism and Heritage update
The Assistant Director (Inclusive Growth) introduced Miranda Chapman from Pillory Barn to the Committee. He explained that under the Tourism and Heritage Strategy the key ambitions were to attract visitors, grow the visitor economy and protect Gravesham’s rich heritage. He noted that this piece of work is a further step in responding to these ambitions and to Gravesham’s potential as a growing visitor destination. He explained that the study is funded from the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund and brand and marketing specialists, Pillory Barn, were undertaking the place branding study, which would celebrate the incredible borough of Gravesham; its unique towns and villages and be developed with stakeholders - providing a tool kit for Officers to improve promotional materials on a range of platforms.
Miranda Chapman gave a presentation to the Committee which can be viewed on the following link:
The presentation outlined key aspects of the development, benefits and next steps of the place branding project:
· Pillory Barn were a Kent based business who had previously developed bespoke place branding for other authorities in Kent, including Ashford, Sevenoaks and Folkestone& Hythe.
· The process involved closely working alongside departments of the Council to develop a place brand tool kit unique to Gravesend.
· A lot of research had been carried out already in the borough, with the team collating data and investigating themes over the last two months.
· It was noted that Gravesham’s visitor economy was growing fast, more so than in other boroughs. Therefore, it was a great time to develop the brand.
· As an initial place project, promotional window vinyls had been displayed in the windows of Debenhams in the town centre, which had received positive feedback.
· A member of Pillory Barn had been working with the Tourism and Heritage Manager to update the Visit Gravesend website with more relevant content.
· A new digital survey had been created and was ready to be activated. This would be sent to Kent ambassadors, other external stakeholders, along with the local community. Once live, the results would be analysed and the design process would begin, to produce a compelling place brand/campaign, which would act as a tool kit to assist with PR, marketing in the future.
The Chair thanked Miranda Chapman for her presentation and invited the Committee to ask questions or to make comment.
· Members queried how long the digital survey would run for. Miranda Chapman explained that 3 weeks was usually deemed long enough, but this timeframe could be extended if responses were slow.
· There was concern regarding the future of the Gravesend/Tilbury ferry and the impact this may have on the place brand. The Assistant Director (Inclusive Growth) advised that a close eye was being kept on developments with the ferry service.
· However, in terms of place brand and what makes the area special, the river was front and centre and would continue to be.
· It was highlighted that a regular Uber boat service was on the horizon and leisure sailings have taken place/are planned.
The Chair acknowledged what a great shame it would be to lose the ferry service and asked for Member support in asking KCC councillors to reconsider their position on the matter.
· The Committee sought clarity regarding the benefit of place branding, in which Miranda Chapman explained that place branding provided Gravesham’s Communications team with a PR marketing tool kit and a recognisable brand, which over time would create visual identity and provide bespoke content for communication channels.
· Over time the place branding success could be measured through social media metrics, publicity, volume of mentions in the national media, which all had a value. Miranda Chapman used a recent example of Folkestone & Hythe, who were mentioned in both Vogue and the onboard British Airways magazine in the first 6 months of using their bespoke place branding. A food influencer called Bitten Written had also covered a number of restaurants in the area.
The Assistant Director (Inclusive Growth) added that the quarterly Performance Report includes key performance indicators around footfall and visitor numbers. Analytics would also be tracked through the website.
· Promotional opportunities were also being scoped with Southeastern to promote Gravesham on the network.
· The Committee supported the promotion of the area outside the borough to bring visitors in, but also felt it was important to engage with those living within the borough. The Chair agreed that local confidence needed to be raised, which would hopefully change perspective, so there were challenges to be faced.
· The Assistant Director (Inclusive Growth) added that the digital survey would engage the local community as well as external stakeholders. He also noted that the recent window vinyls in the old Debenhams store had received positive feedback.
· It was expressed that Gravesham needed to be celebrated, but this must relate locally also.
· Members noted that Pocahontas was an important asset to Gravesham and should be promoted within the branding.
The Chair concluded that the funding had provided a great promotional boost and thanked both Miranda Chapman and the officers involved in bringing everything together.
It was requested that the item be returned to the committee in 6 months for an update on progress.
The Committee noted the report.
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