Agenda item
Economic Development update
The Assistant Director (Inclusive Growth) and Senior Economic Development Officer gave a presentation to the Committee which can be viewed on the following link:
· The Assistant Director (Inclusive Growth) gave some background explaining that Gravesham’s economy had experienced strong gains over the last decade, however the local economy had seen low productivity, suggesting a lack of suitable employment opportunities locally. Household income was at it’s lowest in Gravesend and Northfleet.
· How the Council responded to this and supported residents was front and centre within the Corporate Plan. The emerging vision and objectives for the Business Gravesham strategy were also shared.
· Members were informed of the Big Conversation events, in line with the Community engagement strategy. The dates shown were TBC and would be firmed up in due course. The engagement proposed is a three-stage model involving in-person events, hyper-local engagement and digital engagement.
· Flyers for the hyper-local engagements would be sent to local businesses soon, inviting them to talk with officers.
· The Senior Economic Development Officer updated the Committee on some recent key funding wins. Out of 15 shortlisted projects, Gravesham had been successful in securing the SELEP Get Building Fund of £370K. This would be used to create tech hub flexible working spaces in vacant retail space at St George’s Shopping Centre.
£35K of funding had also been obtained from Designated Funds National Highways. The vision was to create a green skills hub at Cascades which would specialise in construction and infrastructure. There was a demand for skills training in the local area and it was felt what could be created would add value, to what was already available. A study would be required to understand the feasibility of a Green Construction Skills Hub on the Cascades Leisure Centre Site. An updated on this initiative would be provided to the Members of the Committee in due course.
The Chair invited the Committee to ask questions or to make comment.
· Clarification was sought regarding the space the Green Construction Skills Hub would require at Cascades. The Assistant Director (Inclusive Growth) advised that this was part of the scope of the study but noted that proposals would need to work alongside the high quality leisure offer planned.
· There was concern that the hub could compromise the Leisure offer. The Chair noted there was a skills shortage and the hub would only be feasible, if it could be created to work alongside the leisure provision.
· Members queried how the local college would be involved with the suggested hub. The Senior Economic Development Officer explained that the college would work alongside Gravesham, with the Green Hub offering enrichment to students.
· It was observed by Members that colleges and students working with developments, offered invaluable opportunities and should be welcomed.
· Members commended the funding awards that had been achieved.
· It was queried how the new tech hub at St George’s would be promoted to organisations and how this could in turn bring more business to the town centre. The Senior Economic Development Officer explained that the ambition was to work with a provider, who has a wider network for promotion. There had been some interest from external service providers already. It was also noted that with the funding being from central government, publicity was likely. It was hoped PR would follow on the back of such exposure.
The Assistant Director (Inclusive Growth) concluded by informing Members that a key next step was the process to find an operator for the tech hub at the St George’s Centre and outlined the swift timeframe for delivery. He praised the team for their work and informed the Committee the recent significant funding awards would support the delivery of the high impact projects presented.
The Committee noted the report.
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