Agenda item

Climate Change Update


that Cabinet Members acknowledge the report and agree to commence the development of a new Climate Strategy for the Council.


The Chief Executive advised that, in June 2019, the Council adopted a climate change pledge together with the Council’s Climate Change Strategy thereafter.


The report reflected on the delivery of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy to date including a wide range of projects which had been developed and delivered by Council; these projects were detailed in section 2.1 of the report. 


The Chief Executive advised that, due to significant barriers, it was now becoming clear that the Council was unlikely to meet its operational net zero target by 2030. An example of this being the replacement of the refuse freighters, the technology did not currently exist to convert those efficiently and effectively to fully electric due to the range/reliability required. The Council’s emissions also account for less than 0.5% of the emissions generated within the borough. Therefore, given that 99.5% of emissions were not directly related to the Council, whilst activity would continue to reduce the Council’s own operational emissions where this was practical and financially viable, the Council was proposing to shift its pledge to working with the community to reduce carbon emissions within the wider sector particularly in areas such as the transport, domestic and commercial industry as set out in section 4.2 of the report.


Subject to Cabinet’s approval, officers will commence the process for developing a new Climate Change Strategy for the Council which will then be presented to Full Council for adoption.


The Leader stated that this would be an evolution of the Strategy not a change. It was right for the Council to set out its pledge to become net zero by 2030 in order for change to happen; the Council had implemented/achieved a number of significant changes since the pledge . The report set out the changes that had already taken place and those that had been identified for progression i.e. fleet replacement, Council-owned buildings etc however the Council needed to implement any changes in a cost-effective way and will not waste public funds or resources. Where it was not cost effective, work would continue on those areas to identify what alternative solutions were available.


Now that the Council was more aware and had experience in implementing climate change initiatives etc, it was felt that the Council would be best placed to make a difference in reducing the carbon emissions within the borough through its community leadership and placemaking role, working in partnership and engaging with its residents, businesses and local community groups, such as the Parish Councils, to raise climate awareness and promote opportunities to take action to reduce emissions whilst also emphasising the co-benefits of doing this.


The Director (Environment) advised that, with regards to the replacement of the vehicle fleet, it needed to be a balanced approach. As the report set out, there had been success to date with 15% of the fleet electrified and 18 electric vehicle charging points being installed at the Brookvale Depot. The Council would continue to look for ways to meet its climate change commitments and in terms of the options for the replacement of the vehicle fleet this would be presented to Operational Services Cabinet Committee in November 2024 detailing how the Council was working in an opportune way, within its budgets, to help meet those commitments; the report will include an appraisal of all technologies/fuels available. 


The Cabinet agreed that this was an evolution and that the Council needed to work in partnership as it was not responsible for all areas such as promoting active travel, investing in infrastructure/alternative travel solutions.


Resolved that Cabinet Members acknowledge the report and agree to commence the development of a new Climate Change Strategy for the Council.


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