Election results for Northfleet South

Borough Elections - Thursday, 3 May 2007

Northfleet South - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
James John Loughlin Labour Party 740 19% Elected
John Burden Labour Party 730 19% Elected
Narinder Jit Singh Thandi Labour Party 706 18% Elected
John Melvyn Nichols The Conservative Party 551 14% Not elected
Julia Margaret Burgoyne The Conservative Party 510 13% Not elected
Anne Helen Tinsley Welldon The Conservative Party 463 12% Not elected
Gillian Mary McGill Liberal Democrats 192 5% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 3
Total votes 3892
Electorate 4765
Number of ballot papers issued 1460
Number of ballot papers rejected 8
Number of postal votes sent 349
Number of postal votes returned 273
Turnout 31%
Share of the votes (%)
James John Loughlin 19% Elected
John Burden 19% Elected
Narinder Jit Singh Thandi 18% Elected
John Melvyn Nichols 14% Not elected
Julia Margaret Burgoyne 13% Not elected
Anne Helen Tinsley Welldon 12% Not elected
Gillian Mary McGill 5% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
Total rejected8