Election results for Northfleet South

Borough Elections - Thursday, 5 May 2011

Northfleet South - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
John Loughlin Labour Party 1105 22% Elected
John Patrick Burden Labour Party 1095 22% Elected
Narinder-Jit Singh Thandi Labour Party 1061 21% Elected
Julia Margaret Burgoyne The Conservative Party 552 11% Not elected
Teresa Sweetland The Conservative Party 527 10% Not elected
Brenda Marie Pritchard The Conservative Party 520 10% Not elected
Dave Thomas UKIP 206 4% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 3
Total votes 5066
Electorate 5004
Number of ballot papers issued 1893
Number of ballot papers rejected 19
Number of postal votes sent 540
Number of postal votes returned 362
Turnout 38%
Share of the votes (%)
John Loughlin 22% Elected
John Patrick Burden 22% Elected
Narinder-Jit Singh Thandi 21% Elected
Julia Margaret Burgoyne 11% Not elected
Teresa Sweetland 10% Not elected
Brenda Marie Pritchard 10% Not elected
Dave Thomas 4% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
No selection17
Total rejected19