Election results for Pelham

Borough Elections - Thursday, 5 May 2011

Pelham - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Brian Balbir Singh Sangha Labour Party 1327 21% Elected
Makhan Singh Labour Party 1300 20% Elected
Jane Cribbon Labour Party 1270 20% Elected
Jack Bearman The Conservative Party 766 12% Not elected
Jasmail Singh Dosanjh The Conservative Party 739 12% Not elected
Peter Simon Harris The Conservative Party 706 11% Not elected
Simon Christopher Johnston UKIP 235 4% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 3
Total votes 6343
Electorate 5189
Number of ballot papers issued 2317
Number of ballot papers rejected 16
Number of postal votes sent 601
Number of postal votes returned 359
Turnout 45%
Share of the votes (%)
Brian Balbir Singh Sangha 21% Elected
Makhan Singh 20% Elected
Jane Cribbon 20% Elected
Jack Bearman 12% Not elected
Jasmail Singh Dosanjh 12% Not elected
Peter Simon Harris 11% Not elected
Simon Christopher Johnston 4% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
No selection15
Total rejected16