Election results for Whitehill

Borough Elections - Thursday, 5 May 2011

Whitehill - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Glen George Handley The Conservative Party 734 29% Elected
Senja Vonda Compton The Conservative Party 732 29% Elected
Surinder Dale Labour Party 523 21% Not elected
Brigitte Steer Labour Party 513 21% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 2
Total votes 2502
Electorate 3152
Number of ballot papers issued 1367
Number of ballot papers rejected 13
Number of postal votes sent 371
Number of postal votes returned 260
Turnout 43%
Share of the votes (%)
Glen George Handley 29% Elected
Senja Vonda Compton 29% Elected
Surinder Dale 21% Not elected
Brigitte Steer 21% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
No selection11
Total rejected13