Election results for Woodlands

Borough Elections - Thursday, 5 May 2011

Woodlands - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Sara Joanne Langdale The Conservative Party 1141 21% Elected
Mick Wenban The Conservative Party 1112 20% Elected
Anthony Roy Pritchard The Conservative Party 1045 19% Elected
Sarah Louise Shepherd Labour Party 660 12% Not elected
Jean Ross Christie Labour Party 658 12% Not elected
Mary Rose Pratley Labour Party 613 11% Not elected
David Beattie UKIP 242 4% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 3
Total votes 5471
Electorate 4876
Number of ballot papers issued 2046
Number of ballot papers rejected 20
Number of postal votes sent 504
Number of postal votes returned 362
Turnout 42%
Share of the votes (%)
Sara Joanne Langdale 21% Elected
Mick Wenban 20% Elected
Anthony Roy Pritchard 19% Elected
Sarah Louise Shepherd 12% Not elected
Jean Ross Christie 12% Not elected
Mary Rose Pratley 11% Not elected
David Beattie 4% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
No selection19
Total rejected20