Election results for Meopham North

Borough Elections - Thursday, 7 May 2015

Meopham North - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Julia Margaret Burgoyne The Conservative Party 1594 36% Elected
John Martin Cubitt The Conservative Party 1336 30% Elected
Sean David Marriott UKIP 611 14% Not elected
Douglas Campbell Christie Labour Party 576 13% Not elected
Pam Sales Labour Party 371 8% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 2
Total votes 4488
Electorate 3573
Number of ballot papers issued 2799
Number of proxy votes 18
Number of ballot papers rejected 22
Number of postal votes sent 632
Number of postal votes returned 559
Turnout 78%
Share of the votes (%)
Julia Margaret Burgoyne 36% Elected
John Martin Cubitt 30% Elected
Sean David Marriott 14% Not elected
Douglas Campbell Christie 13% Not elected
Pam Sales 8% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
Total rejected22