Election results for Painters Ash

Borough Elections - Thursday, 7 May 2015

Painters Ash - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Alan Michael Ridgers The Conservative Party 1539 22% Elected
Sandra Denise Garside The Conservative Party 1450 20% Elected
Les Howes Labour Party 1254 18% Elected
Sohan Singh Bhatti Labour Party 1231 17% Not elected
Jenny Wallace Labour Party 1074 15% Not elected
Oliver Heyen Green Party 567 8% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 3
Total votes 7115
Electorate 4501
Number of ballot papers issued 3168
Number of proxy votes 22
Number of ballot papers rejected 50
Number of postal votes sent 822
Number of postal votes returned 654
Turnout 70%
Share of the votes (%)
Alan Michael Ridgers 22% Elected
Sandra Denise Garside 20% Elected
Les Howes 18% Elected
Sohan Singh Bhatti 17% Not elected
Jenny Wallace 15% Not elected
Oliver Heyen 8% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
Total rejected50