Election results for Coldharbour

Borough Elections - Thursday, 5 May 2011

Coldharbour - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Sue Howes Labour Party 735 33% Elected
Rosemary Leadley Labour Party 675 30% Elected
Carol Irene Fisher The Conservative Party 426 19% Not elected
Heather Shakespeare Frost The Conservative Party 421 19% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 2
Total votes 2257
Electorate 3200
Number of ballot papers issued 1193
Number of ballot papers rejected 14
Number of postal votes sent 345
Number of postal votes returned 244
Turnout 37%
Share of the votes (%)
Sue Howes 33% Elected
Rosemary Leadley 30% Elected
Carol Irene Fisher 19% Not elected
Heather Shakespeare Frost 19% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
No selection10
Total rejected14