Declarations of interest, 16 January 2024 - 26 January 2025
Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Elizabeth Huggins Cottages Charity Housing Association'
Cllr Anthony Pritchard - - Cllr Tony Pritchard declared an interest in relation to agenda item 10 - Elizabeth Huggins
Cottages Charity Housing Association as he is a Trustee of the Association. Cllr Pritchard
left the Chamber during consideration of this item.
Cllr Colin Caller - - Cllr Colin Caller declared an interest in relation to agenda item 10 - Elizabeth Huggins
Cottages Charity Housing Association as he is a Family Trustee of the Association. Cllr
Caller left the Chamber during consideration of this item.
Cllr John Burden - - Cllr John Burden declared an interest in relation to agenda item 10 - Elizabeth Huggins
Cottages Charity Housing Association as he is a Trustee of the Association. Cllr Burden left
the Chamber during consideration of this item.