Declarations of interest, 1 November 2023 - 11 November 2024
Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Corporate Performance Update - Quarter Three 2019-20'
Cllr Lenny Rolles - - Cllrs Sarah Gow, Tony Rice and Lenny Rolles together with the Assistant Director (Corporate Services) declared an Other Significant Interest in agenda item 5. Corporate Performance update – Quarter Three 2019-20 in that they have been appointed as Directors of Rosherville Limited, the Council’s Local Authority Trading Company. Cllr Rolles also declared that he was the Chairman of the Rosherville Limited Board.
Cllr Sarah Gow - - Cllrs Sarah Gow, Tony Rice and Lenny Rolles together with the Assistant Director (Corporate Services) declared an Other Significant Interest in agenda item 5. Corporate Performance update – Quarter Three 2019-20 in that they have been appointed as Directors of Rosherville Limited, the Council’s Local Authority Trading Company. Cllr Rolles also declared that he was the Chairman of the Rosherville Limited Board.
Cllr Tony Rice - - Cllrs Sarah Gow, Tony Rice and Lenny Rolles together with the Assistant Director (Corporate Services) declared an Other Significant Interest in agenda item 5. Corporate Performance update – Quarter Three 2019-20 in that they have been appointed as Directors of Rosherville Limited, the Council’s Local Authority Trading Company. Cllr Rolles also declared that he was the Chairman of the Rosherville Limited Board.