Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Corporate Performance Update Q2 2021-22'

  • Cllr Lenny Rolles - Other Interests - Cllr Lenny Rolles declared an other interest in Item 5 – Corporate Performance Update: Quarter Two 2021-22 in that he is an appointed Director of Rosherville Limited and is also Chair of the Board.
  • Cllr Sarah Gow - Other Interests - Cllr Sarah Gow declared an other interest in Item 5 – Corporate Performance Update: Quarter Two 2021-22 in that she is an appointed Director of Rosherville Limited.
  • Cllr Tony Rice - Other Interests - Cllr Tony Rice declared an other interest in Item 5 – Corporate Performance Update: Quarter Two 2021-22 in that he is an appointed Director of Rosherville Limited.