Welcome to the democracy section
Welcome to the democracy section of the Council’s website. In this section you can access a wide range of information and documents relating to the Council’s decision-making processes, Councillors, Committees and meetings, including agendas and minutes.
The Council year begins in May with the Annual Council meeting where the Mayor and Deputy Mayor are elected. There are then five full meetings of the Council (these meetings are attended by all Councillors).
Between Council meetings, groups of Councillors meet on other Committees, Boards and Panels to discuss Council matters for example the Planning Committee, Licensing Committee etc.
You can attend meetings to listen. Meeting dates, times and locations are detailed under the 'Calendar' or 'Meetings' link – a majority of meetings are held at the Civic Centre commencing at 7:30pm, apart from Planning Committee which starts at 7:00pm.
The links on the left will allow you to navigate your way round the democracy section of the website.
You may find the following sections useful:-
View meeting dates, times and locations as well as the agendas and minutes of current and previous meetings.
Find your Local Councillor(s) as well as the MP and County Councillors for Gravesham.
How to get involved
You can subscribe to updates which allows you to receive information via e-mail regarding particular Committees or Wards (i.e. when an item affecting those particular Committees or Wards is published you will receive a notification via e-mail).

modern.gov app available
View upcoming public committee documents on your iPad/iPhone or
Android Device with the free modern.gov app.