Current e-Petitions

Gravesham Borough Council welcomes petitions and recognises that petitions are one way in which people can let us know their concerns.

We will treat something as a petition if it is identified as such or if it seems to us that it is intended to be a petition. All petitions will receive an acknowledgement within ten working days of receipt setting out what we plan to do with the petition.


An e-Petition is a petition which is set up and maintained on this website and collects "signatures" online. This allows petitions and supporting information to be made available to a potentially much wider audience than a traditional paper based petition.

If you sign an e-Petition on this website, you will be required to provide us with basic personal information to enable us to verify the “signatures” collected are genuine. Your name (but no other details) will be published on the e-Petition website.

We will only use the information you provide for this purpose.

To submit, browse or sign an e-petition click on the links below.

There are no current ePetitions

Paper Petitions

Paper petitions can be sent to:-

The Committee Services Manager
Civic Centre
Windmill Street
DA11 0AU

Guidance on petitions

Our petition scheme will give you more information on the process for dealing with your petition and what you can expect us to do once it is submitted. Our petition scheme is available within Annex 3 of the Council's Constitution.

  • What are the guidelines for submitting a petition?
  • What will the council do when it receives my petitions?
  • How will the council respond to petitions?
  • Full council debates
  • Officer evidence
  • E-petitions
  • How do I 'sign' an e-petition?
  • What can I do if I feel my petition has not been dealt with properly?

Petitions relating to planning or licensing applications, statutory issues or on matters where there is already an existing right of appeal

If the petition relates to a planning or licensing application, is a statutory petition (for example requesting a referendum on having an elected mayor), or on a matter where there is already an existing right of appeal, such as council tax banding and non-domestic rates, other procedures apply. For further information on all these procedures and how you can express your views please contact Customer Services on 01474 564 422.